Chapter 14: Surprise Hero And Misunderstanding

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Gray's POV:
I felt really confused when I woke up because of the unfamiliar room being neither mine's nor Violets, I looked around to find that Violet was wrapped tight in my arms with her face buried in my chest, Natsu, Lucy and Happy were all still fast asleep and Erza was also asleep in Jellal's arms, Jellal however was awake and stroking Erza's hair softly. He looked over and smiled when he saw me awake I smiled back as Violet nuzzled in closer to me in her sleep making me smile more.

Suddenly Violet's face scrunched up in pain and she gripped me tighter, Jellal looked panicked as he shook Erza awake,

"Gray whats wrong with her?" He asked me I shook my head and pulled her onto me holding her tight and stroking her hair

"Violet? Come on calm down its okay I'm here, its me Gray please calm down and wake up" I spoke to her softly and eventually she did start to calm down before opening her eyes.

"Gray...Erza, Jellal. I'm sorry" she said burying her face in my chest some more I gave her a little squeeze, she looked up to me and sighed a little she knew that we needed to know what just happened. "You know when Erigor drained some of my power, I could feel it and its starting....Erigor is starting to awaken Deliora" she whispered Erza and Jellal looked to us worried before Erza crawled over to Natsu, Lucy and Happy shaking them awake and telling them what was going on.

Erza re-quipped into her armour and the rest of us changed quickly tidying up the mess in Jellal's living room, then we all ran out of his house and towards the place Violet had saw.

After about a 10 minuet walk we arrived at some kind of cavern, we all grouped together a little more and Violet used her power to light our way. All of a sudden we could hear talking we stopped in our tracks and listened carefully,

"Kageyama look at this magnificent beast before us in half an hour this horrid ice or should I say the ice mage Ur will officially be gone and Deliora will be mines to control. We will over throw the government and Fiore will finally be mines forever! And its all thanks to that pathetic light mage and her magic power!" Erigor shouted the top of voice with a maniacal laugh

"Violet!" Lucy shouted I snapped out of my thoughts and looked to my side, Violet was gone and was running towards the voice we all looked to one another and followed her.

"Stop this now!" I could hear Violet shout "your crazy the both of you, you two are off your rocker more than I thought if you think Deliora is going to listen to you! My power will be enough to melt the ice yes but there is no way it will ever control that thing, your not going to over throw the government your going to cause Fiore's utter destruction and not just Fiore the entire world!" Violet screamed

we finally caught up to her I looked over to Kageyama and Erigor. Kageyama looked worried he looked to the frozen Deliora then back to Violet, he seemed hesitant. Erigor however just smirked and placed a hand on the ice surrounding Deliora

"don't try and fool me, your power is strong enough to control any beast, Deliora is no exception to that" he sneered.

"Your wrong! Stop this right now Erigor not only will you destroy the world you'll get yourselves killed is that really what you want!? Will you really go that far for something you know you cant get!? Use your brain you muscle bound buffoon Deliora is not going to obey you, not now not ever and certainly not with my magic!" Violet shouted as she stepped towards Erigor growling.

"Shut your trap!" Kageyama shouted as he blasted Violet with his shadow making her stumble backwards. I moved forwards and wrapped my arms around her protectivly as I glared at the two of them, Lucy had summoned Cancer, Jellal and Natsu had their magic ready and Erza raised her sword.

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