Chapter 11: Nightmare Scare

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Lucy's POV:
It was the middle of the night and I was asleep in my room with Plue whilst Violet was asleep in her own room but I could hear groaning coming from her room (not in that way XD)

I was starting to get worried so I decided that I would go through and check on her, I sent Plue back to the celestial world and walked into her room that was pitch black from the black out curtains. I opened one of the curtains and walked over to her bed. She looked awful she was shaking and sweating and she looked like she was in a lot of pain.

I stared freaking out and shook her shoulders,

"Violet...Violet, wake up!" I shouted but it was as if she couldn't hear me I pulled the covers off of her so that she could breath but it still didn't help. I grabbed the only zodiac key I had with me and opened its gate.

"What can I do for you Lucy?" Aries asked shyly then her gaze shifted to Violet and her expression turned serious. I had to admit it was rare to see Aries not being shy, "Lucy please hurry and fetch Gray and Erza I will stay here and do my best to watch over Violet" she said I nodded and ran out of the house I knew that Happy and Natsu were on yet another mission this time with Jellal he said he would take a break after this one so I let him off.

Gray's POV:
I woke up to a banging at my apartment door, I growled and dragged myself out of bed and to the front door to find Lucy and Erza standing there panicked

"Put some clothes on Gray now! Lucy says something is wrong with Violet and she needs us" Erza snapped throwing me my trousers and shirt from my couch my eyes widened as I pulled on my trousers I left my shirt unbuttoned as we ran to Lucy and Violets apartment.

"Aries is with her now she told me she would watch Violet whilst I came and got you two!" Lucy shouted as we ran as soon as we got to their apartment we all ran straight to Violets room where Aries was sitting next to her with a cold compress she had wrapped Violet up in her wool too,

"Aries how is she?" I asked my voice shaking she turned to me but quickly looked to the ground,

"Not good Gray she seems worse than she did when Lucy left. Shes shaking and sweating uncontrollably and I think she's starting to get a really bad fever. She seems scared when I tried to touch her forehead to check her fever she screamed and pushed me away I don't think she knows whats shes doing she may be in some sort of nightmare" Aries said as she stood up then backed away a little so that I could take her place.

I took breath then gently touched her wrist but it was just as Aries said she started screaming in fear and slapped my hand away, but she was getting warmer which was not good.

"Violet calm down!" I shouted over her as I pulled her into a hug she kept pushing me and hitting me but I wasn't gonna let her go "Violet its me Gray please calm down I'm right here!" But Aries was right it was like she couldn't hear me, suddenly her hand started to glow shit was she trying to use her magic! I have to stop her without hurting her,

I thought of what I could do but only one thing came to mind I just hope it works. I thought as I closed my eyes and pressed my lips to hers....

Violets POV:
I found myself surrounded by an ominous scene I was in a dark forest the wind wasn't blowing and it felt like I was being watched by multiple things I didn't know what they were but they weren't human or mage.

"Violet" a voice whispered it sent shivers up my spine and it made me feel terrified. Suddenly something grabbed my wrist its grasp was tight and its hand was cold and slimy almost, I screamed out and tried my best to pull away from it

"Violet" it whispered from behind me as its grasp tightened on my wrist I kept screaming, I lashed out punching and kicking but it wouldn't let go I have to use my magic. My hand grew bight white as I readied my attack but before I could execute it, I felt something soft press against my lips no one was there but I recognised this feeling.

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