Chapter 5: Encountering Erigor

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Violet's POV:
''Ugh! What are we even supposed to do on this mission Erza! I'm so bored!'' Natsu complained from behind Erza, Grey, Lucy and I making us look back as we continued to trek through the over grown forest,

''Aye!'' Happy said as he flew along beside him looking just as miserable,

''and tiered!'' Natsu continued drooping his shoulders and head,

''Aye!'' Happy said again copying him as he continued to slowly fly beside Natsu, I looked to Grey smiling a little as he smiled back,

''and hungry!'' Natsu shouted before falling face first onto the ground,

''Aye!'' Happy shouted retracting his wings and falling on top of Natsu. I burst out laughing along with Grey as Lucy ran over to them both freaking out and asking if they were both okay, Erza just face palmed and stopped walking beside me handing me the quest paper I took it from her still in stitches of laughter. Erza walked over to where Happy, Natsu and Lucy were and helped Natsu up and Lucy picked up Happy walking back over to Grey and I who were just starting to calm down as we wiped the tears from our eyes.

''You two are always hungry!'' Erza snapped and she supported Natsu who was clearly feigning weakness just as an excuse to eat more,

''aye'' Happy whispered making me stifle another laugh as I looked to the annoyed Erza she sighed and continued to walk with us all behind her, ''there should be a sheltered area a little ways up under a large tree we can rest there for the night'' she said as we came out into a small but sheltered clearing in the forest. Erza put Natsu down so he was leaning against the tree and started to make a fire as Grey started to pull out the food, Lucy sat down next to Natsu with Happy in her lap

''we're all out of water, I saw a small waterfall a short ways back with really fresh looking water I'll go and fill up our flasks so we have enough for the night and tomorrow'' I said taking everyone's flasks from them with a smile. Gray made a move to stand up but Erza grabbed his arm sitting him right back down again,

''alright Violet, be careful out there though okay I know its not that far but if you need our help just shoot a beam of magic in our direction okay?'' Erza said looking to me I smiled to her and nodded I could see Gray looking to me worriedly, ever since he became my boyfriend he's been so worried about me and really protective I smiled and leaned down giving him a little peck on the cheek

''don't worry Gray it'll be easier and quicker if I go alone and its really not that far I'll be back soon okay?'' I said smiling as he took my hand in his and nodded with a small smile on his face

''yeah your right I know how strong you are just be careful okay?'' he said kissing my hand I nodded and walked back the way we came until I reached the small waterfall that I had seen. I knelt down by the water edge and filled up the flasks before splashing some of the crystal clear water on my face, it was so refreshing and cool to touch it made me feel reenergised and awake.

''This place is so beautiful'' I mumbled to myself as I watched the water slosh down the slope and into the small lake, it was becoming darker and the beautiful evening colours reflected in the clear water it was mystifying to look at.

''This place is so beautiful'' I mumbled to myself as I watched the water slosh down the slope and into the small lake, it was becoming darker and the beautiful evening colours reflected in the clear water it was mystifying to look at

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