Chapter 9: Losing Power And Something Else

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Violet's POV:
''Ugh, my head what the hell happened to me'' I said holding my head that was pounding I noticed that there was a bandage around it and when I looked around I noticed that I didn't recognise this room this wasn't mines, or Lucy's or heck even Gray's so what...

''Violet! Oh thank goodness your alright you had me worried about you, you haven't woken up for the past couple of hours that I have been up but I don't know how long we have been out since then'' I looked to where the voice was coming from to see Erza walk over and sit next to me on the bed my eyes widened and I hugged her instantly,

''Erza! I thought I was all alone here I was so scared thank god your here with me'' I shouted with tears in my eyes she seemed surprised at first but she smiled and hugged me back tightly I could actually feel her shaking a little was she just as scared as I was? It seemed hard to belive but when I looked at her right now I could see it being the most possible solution.

I pulled back from the hug and took a good look around the room, I mean I suppose it was nice enough but it still felt weird there was a bathroom attached to the side of the room and for some reason some sort of flap on the only door in the room, the windows were barred up but I could see that it was dark out I got to my feet but for some reason I felt really weak and shaky on my legs I almost fell luckily Erza caught me before I did.

''Violet please be careful you just woke up you must be quite tiered'' she said worriedly, I steadied myself then walked slowly towards the door I could tell that it was locked if not Erza would have gotten us out of here by now, I shakily raised my hands

''light...make...spear'' I said through ragged breaths why the hell did I feel so weak when Erza seemed just fine and I mean it wasn't my magic that felt weak it was just me. Multiple spears made of light appeared but for some reason they didn't even dent the door, my head burned again making me cry out in pain before falling backwards, and once again it was lucky that Erza was there to catch me.

''Violet stop it, its useless I already tried to break down the door with all my re-quips nothing worked and for some reason this place seems to be affecting you more than me. Please just try to calm down okay?'' I looked to her and steadied my breath with a nod, she was right I had to stay calm stressing out will do nothing for us right now so I just need to chill. Suddenly I felt something turn in my stomach I got out of Erza arms and ran to the bathroom before throwing up into the toilet. It wasn't pleasant dry heaving after waking up weak as hell I could feel Erza gently rubbing my back and after I got it all up she handed me a glass of water.

''Hey you okay this is strange even for this situation and it doesn't feel like there is any magic placed anywhere other than keeping that door shut firmly but that shouldn't be affecting you. Maybe you should take a shower'' Erza said I nodded to her and turned on the shower taking off the clothes that I had on and getting in, I allowed the warm water to wash over my body I was feeling slightly better but for some reason the knot in my stomach was still there making me want to throw up again even though there was nothing in my stomach to bring up.

After soaking in the shower for a while I got out and pulled on the Pj's that were laying on the shelf whoever is keeping us here must have given them to Erza for me. I walked back into the room to see Erza sitting on the bed with a couple plates of food, she nodded towards the door flap when she saw my confused expression.

''I've already tried it all and its safe to eat, here let me dry your hair whilst you eat since you don't appear to be well'' I smiled and sat down letting her dry my hair, I always knew that Erza could be kind in fact she was kind just a lot of people pissed her off. The knot in my stomach grew tighter making me have to run to the bathroom again and bring up everything I just ate one again Erza rubbed my back to help me out. ''I'll see if there are any tablets to help you in the room wait here'' she said closing the bathroom door behind her. I lifted my head and took a sip of water I noticed that there was a cupboard in the bathroom so I decided to check that, instead of tablets I found something else.

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