Orpha Duet

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Chapter thirty-four

The wetness of the early morning dew, stuck to my skin, making it damp and difficult for me to even tolerate my outfit. The view ahead of me was barely visible since the fog settled low that morning. 

I squinted my eyes, in hopes of getting a better look at what dangers lay ahead of me. Unfortunately, I couldn't see anything. Which meant that I had to move closer to where the house was supposed to be. Closer to the trapped he possibly layed for me.

I turned my gaze to my right for a split second, to confirm the presence of Carter, kneeling a few metres away from my right. 

"We'll have to move closer to get a better look at whatever is in that mist. We can't make a move, under any assumption." Clinton confirmed my thought.

"How are you sure that there won't be any of his goons in there, waiting for us to get closer." I muttered, tightening my hold on my hand gun.

I could feel Clinton's gaze on me so I turned to find him frowning at me. I gave him a blank look so he went ahead and explained why he gave me that look.

"You're not focusing here Siea. The ground there is damp because of the mist, we will easily hear any movements made cause their feet will most definitely sink in because of the wetness of the soil." he said, pointing down to my left foot that was almost buried to the ankle into the soil, because of my stance.

I realised that he was indeed right about both the soil and my concentration on this mission.

"Right. Sorry" I nodded and turned back to the mist that lay ahead of us.

I was aware of the fact that my mind wasn't in on this mission completely. And I also knew the reason for it. 

The soil stuck to my foot when I lifted it up and took a step forward. The weight of my body felt strange to my feet since I had been squatting in one place for over 20 minutes. 

I heard Clinton move behind me, confirming his reason about the possible back up in the mist.

I cautiously watched ahead of me, for any type of movement but none came so I widened the pace of my steps a bit.

The temperature grew two times colder when I stepped into the mist, almost numbing my cheeks.

"Clear so far" I mumbled, knowing Clinton heard me.

Taking that as a sign, I moved in further, walking cautiously for a good 3 minutes or so before I saw the outline of his house come in view, making me halt in my footsteps.

From what I could see, I watched quietly while about four black figures moved forward and blended into the one of the house.

"That means no one is there. Come on."

Relief flooded through me when Clinton said that cause I knew that those figures were the siblings themselves with Bryce. I shifted the gun from my left hand to my right, my left one getting too soggy to hold the weapon from slipping.

Clinton started jogging in front of me, being as quiet as he could, while I followed right behind him.

The slight sound of the fence creaking made me wince when he jumped over them. I swiftly jumped over after him, making lesser noise but the sound was still there.

The mud was soggy and wet all over in the lawn of my neighbours house, which probably made it twice as worse in my dad's own lawn.

And my point was proven right when Clinton's feet went ankle deep right away when he dropped his weight onto the ground.

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