A Wish To Be True

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Chapter thirty-eight

I looked up at his gentle smile when I pulled back and I smiled back at the new person in front of me.

I knew that I would be seeing the Maxfields differently when I walked back downstairs but I was ready for that and I had embraced that fact when I first found out that I in fact was Jacobs blood.

Although that wasn't what shocked me, in fact it made me immensly happy.

What shocked me was the cause of Jacobs death. Me.

The report told me that Jacob had made the last minute decision when he woke up, to donate his blood to me since I had suffered severe blood loss.

At first I had started to loath myself for the fact that I was the cause of his death but then later I realised that it would be to no good if I wasted the new life he gave me into mourning about something I couldn't change whatsoever. So the final decision I made was to hold my head up and make the best of the life I was gifted to by my own loving father.

"Make the best of this chance sweetie." Clinton smiled and kissed the top of my head.

I nodded and stepped back, giving him one last smile before walking out of the study with the new reality stitched into my mind for me.

My thoughts were cut short when I walked into someone, sending us both tumbling towards the door, which I thankfully balanced myself with.

"Hey there"

I looked up to see Carter smiling down at me, flashing his perfect line of pearl whites.

I returned his smile, standing up straight and away from the door.


"You okay?" he asked me, concern written all over his face.

"Well it's a lot to take in at once but I guess I'll be fine once I get used to idea of the new situation" I replied with a shrug.

He nodded and grabbed my hand, turning and walking towards the direction of our bedroom.

"Why are we going in our bedroom right now? Shouldn't we be with the guys downstairs." I asked, genuinely confused.

"The guys went out cause they needed some time to think for themselves and you need a shit ton of rest after all that you've been through in the past few weeks." he answered, not even glancing back at me.

I thought of pulling at my hand to stop him but decided to go along with him in the end.

"Are you sure they're okay? I'm kinda worried about then you know" I asked again.

He slowed down, making me walk next to him and not behind him, casting a small smile down towards me before we reached the door our bedroom.

"They told me they needed some time alone, the reason why I had stayed behind when Clinton took you upstairs. To talk to them" he answered, stepping into the bedroom and closing the door behind me before locking it.

I moved to sit down on the bed while Carter handed me a glass of water. I thanked him after taking the glass from him.

"Everything happened so fast..." I mumbled, staring at the carpet beneath my feet.

"Yeah it sure did. But I'm sure everyone was proud of you, judging by how you pulled through so well." he encouraged me, taking the half empty glass from me and placing it back down on the night stand.

"So what happened to Keith?" I asked, straightening my back and putting on my blank expression.

Carter sighed at my sudden change in behaviour but answered me anyways.

"He is being held prisoner in the dungeons downstairs." he answered, running his fingers through his hair.

I frowned at him, ignoring the urge to run my fingers through his hair.

"Isn't that unsafe for all of us? Especially the boys in their current state?" I asked.

"He'll be executed in a matter of three days Sierra."

"But three days is long enough for him to try and escape Carter."

My frown deepened at the information I was getting from Carter.

"He's in the isolated cell. It has not windows or doors other than one bolt locked steel one." he replied, giving me a reassuring look.

I signed in defeat, trusting him on the safety of everyone in the house.

"Fine" I spoke in defeat, letting my shoulders slump.

"I guess I just got too worried about the boys" I mumbled, letting another sigh out.

"It's understandable that you're worried about them, especially after what you found out today Siea." Carter smiled.

I nodded, running my forehead at the same time, trying to relieve some stress.

"Come here" Carter spoke up again.

But this time I heard his voice come from behind me so I turned and found him sitting against the headboard, patting his lap.

I nodded and sat to his right, laying down with my head in his lap.

He gave me another smile before he started massaging my forehead gently, working on my tense muscles in my neck right after.

"Carter...do you think all the harm is gone now...? Do you think we are safe enough to live a normal life now...? I mean as much as I love the thrill I get from being in a gang, a normal life doesn't sound half as bad." I spoke, looking up at him thoughtfully.

"I don't think our lives would be free from danger yet but I sure find it safe to think that we can lead a normal life till it's time for us to face an actual problem, fear or responsibility." He answered honestly.

The usual Sierra would have thought of all the different possibilities that came Carter's answer but for some reason, that minute when he spoke of responsibilities, the first thing I thought of was the possible kids that we might have in the future. After I was old enough ofcourse.

"I guess so"

I shoved that thought at the back of my mind and nodded in agreement, closing my eyes and enjoying the feeling his massage brought to me.

"Carter?" I spoke again, my thoughts and feelings slightly starting to surround me.

Eliminating the threat before it came was something I learnt since I was born.

"Yeah?" he replied.

And it was a reflex to do it immediately.

"I love you" I answered, opening my eyes and looking up at his beautiful ones.

I noticed his smile as he leaned down and pecked my lips.

"I love you too Mrs. Deverux" he whispered, placing another kiss on the tip of my nose, making me smile.

I wished for life to be that way for as long as it could, for trouble to be away as far as it could.

I had a family, a husband, true love, true happiness. I wanted everything to stay that way. And I knew for a very fact that myself and all my lives ones would work hard towards that goal.


Hello lovelie peepaals!!!!!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and it is a very important chapter to me because it decides what the next chapter will be like.

So getting straight to the point, I need you guys to comment and tell me if you want me to write a sex scene or not.

We have a week for this decision to be made and I will go with the decision of the majority. So you guys have seven days to post your comments and decide the content of the next chapter.

Love you guys!!!!


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