Chapter 31

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Jasmine's P.O.V

I woke up about 30 minutes after but it felt longer. I sat up and started to think what am I going to do? I got up and went downstairs.

I felt like cleaning. The house wasn't dirty but it wasn't the cleanest.

I was almost done cleaning the house I only had the kitchen left. I finished the dishes then cleaned the counters and the stove.

Should I cook? Yea I should. I looked through the cabinets to see what I can cook. I pulled out a pan.

Ooo I should make tacos. I found almost all of the ingredients I just didn't have the shells.

I'll go get some when I'm done. I put the ground beef on the pan and cooked it. I put a lot of seasonings on it which made it taste so good.

I put the tomatoes and lettuce and a plate nicely cut. I put the salsa and sour cream on the counter.

I laid everything out nice and cleaned up my mess. I got my keys and walked out. I froze on myself spot once I saw who I was trying to avoid.

My moms other daughter. I wanted to go up to her and punch her right on the face. She was staring back at me.

"It's been a while right?", she yelled across the street to me. "Are you still holding a grudge?",she asked me.

"Are you still being a hoe?", I asked her. She ignored my question and rolled her eyes. "So is this where your staying?".

I looked on John's driveway and saw my car. Shit I forgot to put it around the corner. "I've been seeing you coming on and out of this house. Who lives here?", she asked. Of course she has seen me.

"Stalker much? And don't worry about it", I said. I heard a door creak open and out came my mom.

She stared at me with an empty expression so I couldn't tell what she was thinking. Out of no where she ran over to me with open arms and tears coming down he face.

I hugged her back. I don't like seeing my mom cry it made me want to cry. "I love you so much and I'm so sorry baby", my mom said. I pulled away from the hug. "I love you too and I'm also sorry", I said as I wiped her tears away.

"Can you please make up with your sister? It is tearing me apart seeing you two like this", my mom said.

"But mom she still didn't say sorry for what she did", and it was true she hasn't. I probably sounded like a big baby but I don't care.

"Adrian, get over here right now and apologize to your sister", my mom said to my sister. To be honest at this point I really didn't care for her sorry as much as I did before.

"Sorry for what? It happened but now we have a bigger problem than that mom. Don't we?", she asked my mom. I was so confused. They were giving each other some look and I had a feeling it was something bad.

"Jasmine, how about you come inside. You know so we can talk", my mom said with a smile. It was kind of creeping me out. Before I could say my answer John pulled up. He got out the car with a confused face.

"You alright?", he asked once he got up to me. "Yea I'm fine", I said as I was looking down. He tilted my head up so I was now looking at him. He was looking me on my eyes. Probably to see if I was lying.

"So is this your new boyfriend?, I heard Adrian ask. "So what if he is, it's none of your business", I said as I was giving her the 'if you continue talking I'm going to punch your teeth down your throat look.

"One fight for today is enough. You don't need another one", John whispered I'm my ear. I nodded my head even though I was thinking otherwise.

"Have you been staying with him?", my mom asked refering to John. I nodded my head yes.

"Oh, did you guys you know and did y'all use protection?", my mom asked. My face is red I know it is.

"No Mrs. Hayes, we didn't but is we did we would use protection", John answered for me. I heard him chuckle. Oh so he find this funny.

He put his arm around shoulders and pulled me closer to him. "Ok good because I don't need another one, well not now", my mom said.

"What do you mean another one", I asked. "Oh-uh, I mean that you and Adrian are enough", she said. It seemed like she was lying but I just ignored the feeling.

"So, Jasmine how about we go inside and talk?, my mom asked me. I forgot she had asked me that.

"I'll be back later, I made tacos with out the shells", I said to John as i gave him his house keys back. He nodded then gave me a kiss on the cheek.

Once he went inside I walked across the street woth my mom scared of the conversation we're about to have.

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