Chapter 7

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Above👆 is John

John's P.O.V

I was watching the notebook wjen i had shed a tear. "He wrote her a letter everyday", I said to myself. I know I know, the notebook is a chick filck but shit that movies is so fucking deep.

I was home alone, like always. My mom has a second house. So this house is basically mines.

I wiped my tears as soon as I heard a knocked on the door. I looked in the mirror and I hadnt look like I was crying so that's good.

When I opened the door I saw Jasmine's small beautiful frame. I smiled until I noticed she looked said.

"Can I stay the night here, please", she whispered.

"Uhh yea come in", I answered confused to why she was here. Not like I didnt want her here.

I led her into the living room. She put her bag on the floor then took of her slides.

"The notebook?", she questioned, looking at me with a smile.

"I was just going through the channels until you knocked. I wasnt actually watching this", I lied.

"Yea sure", she said smiling.

"So what's wrong did something happen?", I asked as I sat down next to her.

"I'll tell you later", she said as her eyes began to water. I held her tight as we both continued watching the notebook.

I didnt cry at the end because jasmine was here. But she was in tears.

"That was so sad, thats real love right there", she said as she wiped her tears away. "Im tired. Where can I sleep?", she asked getting up.

"Follow me", I said as she followed me. 

Jasmine's P.O.V

"Who room is this?", I asked as i walked inside.

"Mine", he said.

"Oh no I cant sleep in here, would if your mom comes in and find my and you in the same bed.

"My mom doesnt live here, and I want you to sleep with me", he said pouting as he wraped his hands around my waste.

I looked down because I was blushing and I didnt want him to see. "Okay", I said finally looking at him. "But just sleeping", I continued.

"Ughh. Why? When we could do so much more", he said right before kissing my neck.

I pushed him away while smiling. I started looking around his room. I then saw a bathroom that was connected to his room.

"I look a mess", I said to myself as I looked in the mirror.

"I think you look beautiful", John smirked while leaning against the door frame.

I shut the door in his face then locked it. I looked in the mirror and I was smiling like a fucking idiot.

I hopped in the shower. I grabbed a rag and a towel from off the shelf. I put the towel on the sink and used the rag to wash up.

"How long does it take to take a shower geez", John complained. I just rolled my eyes and got out.

I wrapped the towel aroung my body and hung the rag up.

"I wasnt even in there for that long", I said once I got out. I felt his eyes on me and immediately I felt uncomfortable.

"Um here were this", he said clearing his throat.

"I already brought some clothes", I said walking over to my bag.

"Just wear this", he said getting annoyed. I snatched it from him and went back inside the bathroom.

I had put on some boxers and a really big t- shirt. I walked out and hopped into his bed under the covers.

I was drifting off to sleep wjen I felt the bed dip amd arms found there way around my waste. Man did he smell good. He must've took a shower in the other bathroom while i was taking a shower.

I turned to face him but it was dark so I couldnt really see him.

"I was waiting for my mom to get home. She was taking forever. She said she was going to be back this afternoon but she didnt come till like 10. I hugged her because I could only think the worse", I began telling him why I was here. I felt his eyes looking down at me. He was listening.

I continued. "S-she had hella hickeys on her neck and I knew it was from a guy. I know my mom is supoose to move on eventually but for some reason that hurt. I didnt want to think of my mom being with anyone else but my dad. I smelled the alcohol on her. I didnt notice I was crying untik she had wiped the tears from my eyes. "Im only doing this for you", she said to me. I didnt know what she meant so I asked her. But she ignored me. There was a knock on the door and I answered it. There was a guy and he asked for my mom. I told him she wasnt there but she had pushed me aside and took his hand and started walking upstairs. She looked at me with a sad look in her eyes and I just looked at her in disgust. She didnt have to do that she has a job she's just choosing to do it. I ran up the steps and I started to pack as I heard her moaning the guys name. I didnt know where i was going to go but then i thought of you", I said as I had tears threatening to spill but I dont really cry so I held it in.

John just pulled me closer telling me that everything was going to be okay when it's probably not.

Thing will only get worse before it gets better.


Im sorry to the people that do like my story and to those who read it. I've been busy. School is about to start in a month and I got hella summer assignments that I just decided to do. I dont think I'm going to finish in time but oh well.

I hoped you guys liked. Again feel free to comment on what should happen next or you guys can even make up characters for me to add in the story.


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