Chapter 27

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Jasmine's P.O.V

"Jasmine are you okay?", someone said while tapping on my shoulder. I woke up and looked to see who was tapping me.

I notice the class was empty and it was only the teacher and I. She stood there waiting for my answer.

"Oh yeah I'm fine. I was just really tired", I said while stretching. "Well you have 3 minutes to get to your next class. As soon as she said that I grabbed my stuff and ran out the door.

I started speed walking to my next class but right before I turned the corner I fell. I looked up and saw John with his hand out. "I'm so sorry", he said as he lifted me up. "Its okay. See you later". He gave me a quick kiss.

Yea he did it fast so that time I won't reject him.


"Do you think I'm a hoe?", London asked. I started laughing while the others said yes.

"How is she a hoe?", I asked everyone. "Because she can't stay with a guy more than 2 weeks and she probably went out with everyone in this school", Jay said.

"That is not all the way true", London spoke up. "What was your longest relationship?", I asked her. She took awhile but then she answered. "Um I think a month", she said.

Wow and she went out with a lot of people maybe she is a hoe. "Alright I'll see y'all later", I said as the bell rung. I got up and walked to my next class.

-End of school-

I went to my locker and dropped off my books and took out all the things I'm going to need for homework.

The quickest way to the parking lot is through the gym. I walked in the gym and heard something under the bleachers. I started shaking my head some teenagers were having sex under there.

I continued walking. The girl looked like Kayla. Nah I'm probably just thinking things.

I continued walking. The boy had hair just like John. Maybe I'm just seeing things. I walked out of the gym and into the parking lot and stood next to his car.

If I have to wait long that means it was him in the gym if not then it was someone else.

I waited 5 minutes which later turned into 10 minutes. I don't know why but I started crying. I wiped my tears away before anyone could see them.

Now it was 15 minutes. I grabbed my stuff and looked for Amaya maybe she's still here.

"Need a ride?", I turned around and say Jay walking towards me. "Please?", I asked. He nodded. We began walking to his car.

We hopped in and he drove me home. The ride was kind of quiet. All you could hear was the radio. "Thankyou", I said as I got out of the car. "Anytime", he said. I shut the door and he drove off.

It's not like I can go home my sister is still there. So I guess I just have to wait for John. I sat on his door step and pulled out my phone.

A little while later I heard a car pull up. I looked up and saw that it was John's car. He got out the car and walked up to me.

"Im so sorry, I had something with my teacher, and I should've texted you", he said. As soon as he opened the door I ran upstairs to my room and locked the door.

I dropped my stuff on my bed and took off my clothes and put on some more comfortable clothes. I laid in my bed and did my homework.

Once I was done I decided to just rest my eyes for a little bit. "Jasmine, I bought some dinner. I bought hoagies, can you please come down and eat?", I heard him asked through the door.

I just kept quiet. I heard him sigh then walk away. I'm not going to lie I was starving. Usually I'll eat as soon as I get home from school. I'll just wait until later tonight when he's in his room. I don't want to see him.

How he gonna just lie like that? He's an asshole. Maybe he doesn't like me. All he want is sex and I didn't give it to him so he went and got it from someone else.

-Later on-

I think he's in his room by now. My stomach was growling and it was a little past midnight. I know he would leave it in the fridge for me.

I opened my door slowly. I didn't hear anything so I kept moving. I walked quietly and slowly down the stairs. The first thing I want to see is the hoagie and the last thing I want to see is John.

I made it into the kitchen with sucess. I opened the fridge and there I saw the hoagie. I grabbed it and stared at it with complete aww. I should eat this upstairs.

"Jasmine?". I froze in place. I slowly turned my head in the direction and saw John there looked at me. He looked like wake up.

I didn't say anything. "I knew you would come down eventually", he said. I walked by him with the hoagie still in my hands.

He grabbed my arm but I snatched it from him. I ran up the stairs and I heard him right behind me. I knew I wasnt going to have enough time to lock me door but does it hurt to try?

I closed my door and tried to lock it but he was stronger than me. I sat on my bed and turned on my lamp next to my bed.

I opened the hoagie wrapper and began eating it completely ignoring his presence.

"Can we talk?", he asked me. What's wrong with him. "Do you think I'm stupid?", I asked him. He must do. He stay doing the same shit over and over again.

"No I don't. I actually think your very smart", he said. I gave him the finger and began wrapping up all my trash. That hoagie was so good. I got up and threw it in my trash. I went back to my bed and turned out the light. I then got under the covers and laid down.

Since I ate I feel so much better and now I was just ready to go to sleep. I closed my eyes and waited for sleep to take over me.

"I'm sorry", I heard him whisper before he left my room. I really don't care anymore and I'm not going to stress over it neither. I'm going to just do me and not worry about him and what he do.


Wow okay this is my longest chapter. I just had to do it for y'all. I appreciate the ones that like, read and vote on my story💕 Another chapter coming soon! Probably tomorrow.

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