Chapter 30

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Jasmine's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning and remembered we had a half of day today.

I got up and took a nice hot shower, then I got dressed. I put in a grey t-shirt and some jeans.

I put on my accessories and grabbed my keys and phone then walked downstairs.

I wasn't early today but I won't be late neither. I walked outside and John car was already gone.

I walked around the corner and got inside my car and drove to school. "Yes! I'll only be in school for 4 hours", I said to myself.

I parked my car then walked inside. The bell wrong but I wasn't going to rush because every time I rush I always forget something.

I went to my locker and grabbed my world history book then started to walked to class.

The hallways was still crowded and the late bell didn't ring yet so I was good.

"What the fuck", I said as I almost fell. I looked up and saw Kayla standing there smiling. She had bumped me and I was about to bump her face.

"Oops sorry", she said. She sounded so fake and it only made me madder. I put my book and my bag on the floor.

"You did it on purpose", I said. I know I should probably just let it go but the look on her face was making me heated.

"And why would I do that", she said as she fake gasped. I smiled then I walked up to her and punched her in her face.

She had her mouth open and was holding her cheek. A crowd started to form around us and I didn't like it. I already knew I was going to get suspended but at the moment I didn't care.

Next thing I know she came charging at me. I moved out of the way and watched her fall onto the floor.

"You look fucking stupid", I said. I went to grab my bag and boom when I heard some foot steps coming closer and I knew it was her.

I turned around and we both started swinging. I was throwing straight punches and it felt like she was throwing slaps.

I pushed her on the floor and continued punching her until I felt my self being lift from on top of her.

"Let me go", I screamed as I was kicking. The person had me hanging over there shoulder.

"Come fuck with me again bitch", I said to Kayla. She looked terrified and embarrassed. Probably because I whooped her ass. She ain't do nothing to me but pull my hair and slapped me a couple times.

"Well can you at least get me stuff?", I asked the person who was carrying me. I knew it was a boy.

He walked over to my things and grabbed it then continued to walked down the hall.

I watched as the crowed started to disappear. Once we got to the end of the hall he put me down.

"Thanks", I said as I grabbed my stuff from him. I looked up to see who it was and it was John.

"No problem. You know you're gong to get suspended right?", he asked me. "Yupp", but I can care less. Looks like there will be no school for me", I smiled.

"Yeah I guess not", he said while he scratched the back of his neck.

"Well I should get to class. In already in trouble", I said. I walked into history and everyone was staring at me.

I sat down in my usual seat. The teacher back was faced towards me so he didn't notice. My hair was all over the place.

I Combed through it then out it in a high ponytail. The class phone started ringing and I had a feeling it was for me.

"Jasmine you have to go to the main office. Bring all your things with you", I nodded my head then walked out with my things.

I went to my locker first to drop off my book then I walked to the main office.

When I walked in I saw Kayla sitting in on of the chairs. Did she snitch? Because she wasn't in history with me.

I sat down in the chair next to hers. They were a little far apart and they were really comfy.

"Ms. Hayes I already heard Kayla's side of the story now I want to here yours", the principal said. He sat back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest.

"So I was walking down the hallway toward my world history classroom, but then out of nowhere I was bumped and was about to fall. When I had looked up I saw Kayla there smiling and I knew she did it. Then she gonna say some oops I'm sorry. She sounded so fake and it was making me mad. Then the look on her face was making me even madder so I walked up to her and punched her in the face-" I was cut off by the principal.

"See that's where you're wrong. You could've handled it in a different way but instead you did it in the worst way", he said.

"Actually the worst way would be to stab or shoot her which I didn't do", I pointed out.

"Ms. Hayes, this is serious now this is what I'm going to do. Kayla you'll get a one day suspension and Jasmine you'll get two", he said while looking at the both of us.

"That's not fair. She ran up on me and then we started fighting it should be two for her too", I argued back.

"I made up my mind already and I'm not changing it", he said. He wrote out our slips and gave us the ready of the day off since it was only a half of day.

He let her go first then made me wait 5 minutes so I wouldn't do anything.

I texted John to meet me at my locker because I need his keys so I can go in the house.

"What happened?", John asked once he got to my locker. "He's sending us both home for the day and I'm suslened for two days", I said as I shook my head.

"What about Kayla?", he asked. "She only got one day", I said.

"Wow that's fucked up", he couldn't have said it any better. It just wasn't fair. "Okay so can I get your keys so I can go in the house and lay down?", I asked him.

"Yea here", he gave me the keys then we went our separate ways. As soon as I got in the house I changed into some comfortable clothes then closed my eyes to take a nap.


I'm so sorry I haven't updated it a while but my sister oh one broke and she's been using mine all the time. But I hope you enjoy💕


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