Chapter 34

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Jasmine's P.O.V

I woke up on the couch and cold because no one was next to me. John and Mariana was gone and I didn't know where they was. I got up and went up stairs into my room and hopped in the shower. Oh I forgot that Mariana had to go home.

The shower felt so good because I had the water on hot. As I was just about to hop out I felt hands wrap around my body.

Before you scream why don't you look down at the hands and see if you recognise them. I looked down and I knew it was John. Who else would it be? I turned and faced him with my body part covered.

"Get out! You have your own bathroom", I yelled. What was he doing it here?

"Yea but my bathroom doesn't have you in it", he smirked. I just rolled my eyes and hopped out the shower. I wrapped my towel around myself facing a different direction. Just in case he was looking.

I grabbed my clothes and walked out to my room. I put my clothes in the hamper then laid across my bed. I didn't want to get dressed yet. He might come out any minute.

I grabbed my phone and started scrolling. I didn't even hear him come out, I just felt a dent in my bed. I looked over at him and he had his eyes closed.

I began looking over his body. When I got low enough I realized he didn't even have a towel on. "John! Get off my bed your naked and that's nasty", I said turning the other way. "How would you know that? Did you look?", he asked me.

I face was turning red and it was a good thing he couldn't see it. "No I just had a feeling", I lied and I'm pretty sure he knows I'm lying.

"Oh really? Let me see your hand", I was confused. "Why do you need to see my hand", I asked him. "Its this thing I can do when I can tell when your lying or not", he said.

I gave him my hand. "What is this?", I asked him. He had me touching something. "Guess", he said. I snatched my hand away once I realized what I was touching. "You're so nasty", I said as I ran to the bathroom to wash my hands.

"Can you get out so I can get dressed?", I asked him. "What's the point of getting dressed when you could be naked?", he asked. I didn't even want to look in his direction because I know he was still naked.

I heard him get up and he was walking closer to me. "John stay over there, I don't want you heard me", I said. Was it getting hitter in here or what? My heart was racing and my stomach was doing flips.

"Am I making you nervous?", he whispered in my ear once he came up behind me. "Nope", I lied. I moved away from him and looked him in his eye. Being careful not to look down.

He walked closer and put his hand on my cheek. He lifted my head up and gave me a kiss. I was nice and soft and really needed. I found myself kissing back harder. I wrapped my arms around his neck and felt my towel drop.

He picked me up and laid me on the bed. He pulled the covers on top of us and one thing led to the next real fast. It felt so good. It was like he was touching me in all the right places. I didn't want him to stop.

It was dark in the room now. I don't know if its because of outside or because I'm under the covers. All you could hear was our heavy breathing.

After a little while later he laid next to me and I laid my head on his chest. We were still breathing heavy. And surprisingly I didn't regret anything.

I lift the covers to let at least our heads out. "Are you okay?", John asked me. I just hummed in response. I was really tired now and just wanted to go to sleep.

I woke up and it was still dark outside. Maybe I didn't sleep long. I moved slowly trying to not wake John up and grabbed my phone. It was 1 in the morning. I was about to get up to take a shower but John pulled me back into him. "Let me take a shower", I said. "No I want you to pay with me", he said in a baby voice.

He got onto of me and started to kiss my neck. "Please?", I asked him. He ignored me and started to bring his kisses lower. He was under the covers while my head was still out.

I let out a low moan once he reached my part. My legs were shaking at first until I kind of got use to it. I started to arch my back. "John baby is that you?", the lights flicked on. "Oh I'm so sorry", his mom said while covering her eyes.

"Mom why are you here?", John asked as he popped from under the covers. He laid on top of me as an attempt to cover me. "Because this is my house to, meet me downstairs", she said. She walked out and closed the door.

John got off of me and had put on some clothes. I just sat in the bed with my hands on my face. I was so embarrassed. "What is she going to thunk of me now?", I asked him. "Jasmine don't worry about it, she still likes you. I'll be back", he said then he walked out. I got up and got dressed. I put on some fuzzy pajamas and sat on the bed.

Ugh what if she won't like me after what she saw. Thats so embarrassing. Did she just get here or has she been here for awhile? As I was thinking my phone buzzed and it was from John.

John- come here.

I was way to scared to go but I knew I had to face her some day. I got up and walked downstairs.

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