Chapter 33

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The following chapter contains extreme graphic sexual violence. 

Read at your own discretion.

Teagan cinched her grip on the tire iron until her knuckles blanched. In a cat-like stance, she slinked through the grass and shrubs toward the grotesque sounds. Terrified at what she might encounter, she dipped into an even deeper grass, staying out of sight . 

It's not Lys, it's not Lys, it's not Lys. There's no way it can be her. In a modified army crawl, she got as close to the sounds as she dared. Teagan peeked over the tall grass and her body stiffened. Her chest tightened, closing off her airway. Puffs of cold incomplete breaths escaped her lips as she gasped for air. In a clearing, a distant street lamp outlined the silhouette of an intimate couple.

The girl's chest rested in the damp grass, her head cocked into the air as if she smelled roses dangling from above. Whimpers mimicked her body's movement. A blond teenage kid knelt behind her. He couldn't have been more than eighteen or nineteen. One hand clawed deep into the girl's raised hips, the other reigned in her hair. Blood poured down the outside of her bare left leg.

Teagan couldn't stop her hands. They shook so hard she almost dropped the crowbar. Again she strained to get a better look, praying it wasn't her best friend being mauled, or worse. The reality of the situation hit her like a bus over roadkill.

Muscles rippled and bulged with each thrust of the boy's hips.

Under constant assault, Teagan expected Alyssa to scream louder. Maybe she'd used up all of her screams? A snip of pain hit her in the crotch as she remembered her own virginity being taken.

The best chance she had of saving Alyssa would be when the thing finished. Travis had always rolled off, basking in his after-orgasm bliss or whatever it was that guys do. Most of the time, they just fell asleep. Travis wasn't any different; he'd sleep while she cleaned his shit up. If this thing mimicked human males, once it orgasmed would be the perfect time for her to strike. She crouched, ready to pounce as soon as his complete attention focused on one thing–release.

His rhythm changed, grunts slowed, and violent thrusts became harder—more vigorous. Instead of chirps, Alyssa began to screech from the pain. Mud, sweat, blood and hate seeped from Teagan's very core.

The piece of shit lunged one last time, raised his hands and let out a high-pitched wail. Teagan dropped her weapon and covered her ears. When the deafening shriek ended, his body shuddered.

Goddamn boys.

When he pulled out, a spurt of blood and cords of flesh slapped against his bare stomach. Teagan vomited into her hands and ducked. He may not have seen her.

Clouds merged, stars disintegrated, and Alyssa's let out one more blood-curdling scream. Then nothing. Her silence horrified Teagan. It signified that one of her best friends could be dead. She wiped tears on her sleeve, her hands on a bushel of weeds, and picked up the weapon with new conviction. It had killed her best friend. Time for it to die.

She stood.

His eyes glowed like lit candles and snapped to her position. The long, jagged fingernails doubled in length when his hands flexed. Though fear trickled down her back she stood her ground. Lyssa's limp, slaughtered body slumped to the ground. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him pounce.

His weight smashed her back into the grass and mud. A thistle of pain pricked every nerve in her body. All air escaped. She struggled to catch her breath. Its intentions became apparent, was its mother fucking dinosaur prick writhing around on her stomach? If she could've breathed, she'd have gagged again.

Drips of slobber dangled from its lips, threatening to drip onto her nose. 

"Get the fuck off of me!"

His hand grasped her throat. Knife-edged fingernails toyed with her neck. 

She coughed and kicked. Her screams came in muffled rasps. Pain seared her hips and abdomen as he tore at her clothing.

Sirens sounded in the distance and it momentarily stopped the assault.

Off its guard, Teagan brought her knee up hard. The blow startled the creature and he dropped to his knees. Her right hand still had the tire iron clenched in it. When her arm came free, she swung. The claw end of the tire iron struck its mark between his legs and the creature fell to the side of her.

Like a wounded coyote, he howled and writhed in the grass as blood sprayed from his groin. A hunk of flesh resembling some sort of dead snake hung from the tire iron. Barbed spikes flexed in and out as if they had no idea what to do next. Teagan tossed the tire iron with the rank appendage attached to it and ran to Alyssa. "God, please let her be alive."

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