Chapter 8

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"I don't give a shit what your mom says. Dillon is so much hotter than Brandon." Alyssa shifted from lying on her stomach to sitting up on the bed.

"Are you kidding me?" Ellie's full, pouting red lips twisted into an awkward frown.

Teagan rolled over on Ellie's king-sized bed and stuffed a pillow under her arms to prop herself up. "Chillax you two. I wanna see what happens next."

The trio of teens had only just discovered the show their mothers said was the soap opera of the '90's. Well, Alyssa's and Ellie's did. Teagan figured her mother had been too busy going to medical school at the ripe age of eighteen. She'd heard the story a thousand times and didn't really care. So ... she wasn't a genius like dear old mommy. At least she had decent grades and might get into U of O with her girlfriends like she'd planned all along. She hadn't anticipated being fucked over by a college guy.

The dick had used her and never called back. Hence the love-in with her BFF's the night after the Halloween party. The three inseparable opposites didn't look anything alike. Ellie's hair bounced with red curls a little below her shoulders. She stood a good foot taller than the other two who would never see anything taller than five-foot-four. Ellie had a slender upper body with a small chest and lanky arms and legs. To Teagan, Ellie belonged on the cover of Vogue and stomping down a fashion runway in Milan.

Alyssa had straight, white-blonde hair she'd tease into a full mess or let it flow down to her sizable hips. Ellie called them "child bearin' hips," though she didn't have a lick of cellulite on her. Being a power-lifter had given her muscular legs and the most rock-solid butt Teagan had ever seen.

She gazed at her own arms. No muscle. Even though she weight-trained at school and went to Zumba twice a week with her mom, she considered herself a regular old plain Jane with average sized boobs and straight jet black dyed hair, her natural blonde hair like her mother's hidden on purpose. Her skin had always been fair and with the black hair, her friends teased her and called her Snow White. Better than the Vampire of Room 119.

When she dated Lyle she'd been blonde. Almost the same color as Alyssa's, but it looked silly when the girls went anywhere together. After she stopped hearing from that ass hat, she dyed it.

"Looks like someone needs another ice cream bar." Ellie nudged Teagan with her foot.

"What?" Teagan turned.

"She's pathetic." Ellie rolled her eyes at Alyssa.

"I'll get it." Alyssa hopped off the bed and jogged out the door.

"Be a doll and get me one too," Ellie called after Alyssa.

"No problemo," Alyssa answered from somewhere down the hall.

Ellie flopped on her belly next to Teagan and scooted over until the warmth of her long body snuggled against Teagan's. It did give a calming effect, like an electric blanket on a chilly day.

"Still pining for him?"

"No. I'm so over him."

"But Tea Bags, you gave it away to him. That's gotta be eatin' you up."

Teagan didn't like the way Ellie said it. And she hated being called, 'Tea Bags'. A nasty habit Ellie had picked up after hearing the term while being stats girl for the wrestling team. "I'm fine." She scowled. "He wasn't worth it anyway."

"How many times did you guys?"

"I told you. Once in his dorm and then at my house a couple of weeks ago. When Mom went to L.A. for that conference." Teagan sighed as the memory of the act flooded her mind.

"Didn't you say you saw him a couple of days ago?"


"And nothing happened?"

"No. I saw him with his friends at the mall. Dickhead smiled and walked the other direction. Two of his friends turned, looked me up and down and then high-fived him like he'd just scored at the game. I couldn't find a store quick enough to get away from the assholes."

"Sorry to bring it up." Ellie rubbed Teagan's back.

"My mother said that according to research, talking things out is the best way to rid one's self of needless emotion. Something she's a master at. You know, I don't even remember her crying when my Dad died last year. She sat me down and said...and you know how she is...all science twenty-four-seven. She said, 'Death is a part of life and statistically speaking one out of every eighteen men will get lung cancer and twenty-six percent of those men will die from it. Once your father was diagnosed, we knew this could happen.' I couldn't believe her. All I wanted was a hug." She wiped away a few tears dripping down her cheek.

Ellie wrapped her arm around her. "This is all I can do. You've had a tough last couple of years. But look at it this way. We're seniors and soon, we'll be in college and then it's our turn to start breaking hearts."

Alyssa danced into the room. "I ... for one ... am going to screw the brains out of as many boys as I can."

"Lyssa!" Ellie slapped her rear.

Alyssa handed them both an ice cream bar. "Bitch, please." She rubbed her backside in Ellie's face, grabbed her ankles and began to twerk. "Like you ain't gonna hump anything with two legs and a ding-a-ling?" She kept up the dance.

"Thanks, Miley; now get that fat ass out of my face." Ellie smacked her again.

"That fat ass ..." Alyssa clenched her cheeks. "... can crack walnuts." She wiggled a couple more times.

Ellie giggled. "Or other things if stuck in the wrong place."

"You're Sick." Teagan sat up so she could unwrap the bar and eat it without melting crumbs all over Ellie's comforter. She bit into the dark chocolate. A sharp pain shot through her head as her front teeth sliced into the vanilla ice cream. "Ow!" She pushed her finger into her right temple and scrunched her right eye. "I think my brain just froze to the top of my mouth."

"Is that even possible?" Alyssa took a giant bite of her ice cream. "No brain freeze here. Guess I win." She pounced on the bed next to the other two. The girls spent the rest of the evening watching re-runs of 90210, eating ice cream and helping Teagan get over the jerk that broke her heart.

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