Chapter 73

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The second hand of the clock, a relic from the twenties and generational heirloom, would now be used to seal the fate of her daughter. But Alexa couldn't bring herself to say the words. Each click fell like a pendulum blade. As if the tiny wand hitting the seven meant someone had activated the device. An evil machine set to split her life in two forever. Even though she knew it had to be done, she couldn't bring herself to say the words.

In a graceful effort, she whispered, "Time of death ... 6:27AM."

Gavin acted like he didn't hear her and continued CPR.

"It's time to stop." Alexa placed her hands over Gavin's. "It's okay. You fought very hard for her and I'll forever be grateful to you for everything you've done."

He continued chest compressions and began to supplement her oxygen with rescue breaths. After four minutes of CPR, Ross still hadn't returned. A few more and Alexa feared Teagan would be brain dead. She had to call it. If she didn't, Gavin would never stop.

"Please, Gavin."

"No, ma'am. I'm not ..."

Ellie screamed from the living room. The babies joined her. Their cries reminded Alexa of what one of them did to her daughter. Gavin still hadn't ceased his rescue efforts. Teagan wasn't going to make it. Now she wanted to march into the living room with Ross's shotgun and blow those little creatures back to wherever in the universe they had come from.

"Help!" Ellie called out.

Alexa took a deep breath and headed for the living room. When she turned the corner into the hall, she fell to her knees. Ross crawled toward her with a defibrillator on his back. There wasn't an inch of his body which wasn't covered in blood. Ellie tried to help him up, but couldn't due to his size.

The baby boy had gone back to sleep. Liza screamed an awkward wail like nothing she'd ever heard. A candle within its eyes flickered on and off. Ross unwrapped the defibrillator strap from over his shoulder and pushed it forward.

"Here. Get this to Gavin."

"Are you okay?"

"I'll be fine." Ross rolled onto his back and huffed.

Alexa couldn't worry about him now. She quickly brought the machine to Gavin. If they could get Teagan's heart started, she might have a chance.

Gavin set the paddles against Teagan's chest. Both watched the monitor.

Alexa sighed. "Ventricular tachycardia." A shockable rhythm.

"Charging to 120 jewels." Gavin glanced up at Alexa.

She backed off. "I'm clear."

Thanks for reading, voting, and commenting.

I'm touching up the final chapter and will probably have it up tonight.

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