Chapter 57

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Teagan's voice woke Alexa, her head still buried in Ross's chest, his arms wrapped around her. She sat up and pulled the sheet over her bare chest. Heat crept up the sides of her neck, basting her face and burning her ears.

"You little slut. Neither of you are from the sixties. Everyone get up!" Teagan folded her arms.

"Out! Out now!"

"I'm screwing with you, Mom." Teagan winked.

Alexa scowled. " your language."

"What language? God. You're're so...agh!" She flung her hands into the air. "I'm taking a shower."

Alexa looked around the room for the clock. "Teagan, what time is it?"

"I don't know, Mom. He's got a phone, ask him."

Ross smiled and sat up. He held up his phone. It looked as if he'd been texting while she slept. The sheet slipped to his waist.

Teagan turned her head. "Kak. Gross."

"You can leave now." Alexa pointed the way out as if Teagan wasn't standing in the doorway already.

"Shut the door!" She couldn't believe she'd been caught in bed with a man.

"Kids." Ross stretched.

Teagan slammed the door behind her.

"Teenagers." Alexa caught his hand on the way down from his stretch. He leaned over and caressed her jaw-line with his other hand. She dove into the kiss as if she'd been kissing him her entire life. Then a sense of foreboding came to her as she remembered her husband's kiss, soft, pleasant. Ross's kiss had something different...chemistry...ecstasy...raw animalistic passion.

"It's three," Ross said, his mouth still connected to hers.

She jerked away. "You didn't look at your phone while kissing me? Did you?" Nothing could be ruder than becoming sidetracked whilst kissing. What if he was texting a girlfriend? Slowly, her brow furrowed.

He showed his pearly-whites. "Well. Not that this hasn't been a blast and I'd love round two, but ..."

What did he just say?

"Don't flatter yourself." She pushed him away and sat up properly. "This was stress relief, that's it. And it won't be happening again."

"What do you take me for?" Ross pulled the sheet around his waist more securely.

"I thought...a..."

"A what?"

"Well, I thought you were a gentleman." What the heck is going on here? 

He smirked. "If we live through this, we'll talk. I think we should get you to work in that lab of yours. You have a planet to save."

The thought hit her like an anvil that bounced up and landed again, sinking her into the ground. Save the world? As a geneticist, she couldn't help but run end of world scenarios in her head. But the end as a reality had never even crossed her mind.

"You're right." She sighed. "Let's get to..."

Glass shattered. 

A mind-numbing scream reverberated throughout the house.

"Where'd that come from?" Ross sat the rest of the way up. 

"Ellie." Alexa knew they'd left her on the couch downstairs. How stupid could they have been?

Ross rolled out of bed and pulled on his slacks, commando style. Without bothering to put a shirt or shoes on, he pulled a gun from his shoulder holster. She hadn't even seen him grab it when he whisked her upstairs for their evening rendezvous.

He turned to her. "Get Teagan, stay quiet. I'll get Ellie."

She nodded. "Where's the dart gun?"

"I think it's on the table downstairs. I'll let you know when it's clear."

Alexa slipped out of bed and threw on the essentials. Shirt, pants, shoes. No bra, no panties. Teagan's life could once again be in danger.

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