Chapter 71

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The most wonderful, thrilling, and beautiful experience you'll ever go through. This is what mothers say to their daughters to trick them into having babies. If they had told their girls the truth about how gross and painful the process is, no grandchildren would ever be born. Though her mom had explained birthing in horrific detail when she was five, Teagan wished (in this moment) she wouldn't have.

"Fuck you ... mother sonofabitch!" Is exactly how Teagan felt. But then again, those other mothers weren't having a bouncing, baby, beast who had already ripped their insides out.

"Breath," Ellie coached.

"You fucking breath. I hate you all." There weren't enough bad words in the Urban Dictionary to explain how much she loathed this baby. Monster or not, she didn't think she could ever love it.

Gavin took control as if he'd been delivering babies his entire life. For a man of few words, his consoled her and seemed to calm her mom as well. No one doubted or questioned any of his actions. Even though they had only known him a few hours, he'd become a member of their little Trill brigade. He'd saved Ross and had worked very hard to control the bleeding across her tummy.

"You're fully dilated." Gavin spread her legs a little wider and she didn't even care.

"What's that mean exactly." Teagan searched his face.

Her mom folded her arms. They'd been on her hips for a while and at times wrapped around detective hottie. "It means we can do this naturally or give you an impromptu cesarean section. I'll leave that up to Gavin."

"Mom, you're a doctor. Shouldn't you do it?"

Her mom's brow crinkled. The crinkle which tells Teagan she's not exactly sure what to say. "I'm not that kind of doctor, baby."

"What do you think, Gavs?" Teagan squeezed his soft hand in anticipation of the next contraction.

"We can do this naturally, which means you will push the baby out using your God given contractions. I think that is your best bet here. If we try a C-section and fail-you could bleed to death. We don't know where the baby is at health-wise or other. It's up to you and your mom."

"I don't care. I just want it done and over with. Just get it done."

"Get 'er done." Ellie tipped an invisible cowboy hat.

Teagan rolled her eyes. "Really ... El?"

Ross sat next to her. His rugged hand smoothed back her sweat laden hair. "Gavin's an amazing medic and close to getting his medical license. He's delivered baby's."

"Never two in one day though." Gavin smiled.

"Okay." Teagan grunted as another contraction hit. "I'll try and do it naturally. Are you sure we don't have any drugs?" She hoped someone had something she could take for the pain.

"I'm sorry, baby." Her mom cradled her head. "You're too far into the labor for medications to be effective. You're a strong woman. You can do this."

"I don't want to be a woman anymore." Teagan cried, laughed and accidentally snorted.

Gavin knelt next to her, smiled, and caressed her cheek with the back of his hand. "Together, we'll deliver this child. I agree with your mother. I've never known a mightier woman than you. And I've seen Wonder Woman twice. It's time for you to push this baby out."

Ellie chimed in, "Look at it this way. In a few minutes, you'll either be a mommy, or we'll all be dead."

"Not helping, El."

"Sorry." Ellie handed a warm washcloth to Gavin. He handed it to her mom, who wiped the tear-smeared make up from her cheeks. Then folded it and swiped it across her brow.

Teagan watched Ross put his arm around her mom's waist. She relaxed into him. He whispered something in her ear which brought the tears again. After she wiped her own tears away, she took Teagan's hand. Ross put his hand over theirs. Teagan felt something she hadn't in a long time-family.

Gavin told her to push.

When she bore down, a pain deep in her belly shot through to her spine. Voices in the room grew into distant noises heard through a long funnel. She could no longer feel her mother's hand in hers and her nose tingled. Her gaze became a haze and trailed to where her mom and Ross sat together by her side. Colors on a beautiful canvas melted together forever. At least her mom had found happiness.

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