Chapter 35

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Alexa examined the calculation. "Is this correct? We can't be this lucky?"

Ray's eyes scanned the computer screen as fast as his hands tapped at the keyboard. "Ran it thrice's right."

Her monitor read, Gene sequencing, retrieval, and breakdown uncompromised. "This is amazing. If we can test this against a live tri-allele, we could end this right now."

"Hell yes, we can." Ray kicked himself away from his desk. His computer chair slid across the lab's linoleum floor and skid to a halt next to Alexa's desk. "Up high." He raised his hand, poised for the high-five.

"Ray." His little ritual didn't appeal to her. Neither did the knuckle bump Teagan's friend Ellie kept trying to give her. Not only did she not enjoy touching other people's hands, she didn't get the concept. Yes, recognition for a job well done or a suburban pat on the back. Why not say, 'wonderful work' and leave it there? She halfheartedly brushed her palm against his. Her ritual, a thorough hand sanitizing.

The cell phone in her upper right lab coat pocket buzzed against her breast. She whipped out the phone and sighed with relief. "This is Dr. Mason."

"Alexa...err...Dr. Mason?


"This is Ross. Agent Harris."

Pain and guilt clumped in her belly. The answer to her next question meant her entire life. What would she do without Teagan? She took a deep breath. "Did you find her?"

"Yeah." His voice came over decimated.

The clump surfaced in her throat. Her face flushed. He's taking too much time. Is she dead? No. Please. No. "Tell me. Ross. I'm ready."

"She's safe..."

"Thank God." She hadn't realized she'd been standing and sat down with a bump.

"...unharmed. We think Ellie's leg is fractured."

She relaxed a bit but sensed something amiss. "What is it? What's wrong?"

"It's Alyssa."

"Oh, no. Is she..." The word wouldn't come.

"I'm sorry. We're lucky any of them walked away from that wreck. There wasn't anything anyone could do for Alyssa. A Trill attacked her. But from the looks of it, with the injuries from the accident, she probably wouldn't have survived the night."

Alexa sensed a vain attempt to make her feel better. There's no way he could tell if the car accident did enough internal damage to cause her death, but she did appreciate the effort. "This is awful. How are Ellie and Teagan taking it?"

"They're pretty shaken up. But they're tough girls, they'll pull through."

"I know they are...and will." Teagan had to be the most bullheaded person she knew, other than herself.

Ross cleared his throat. "But one thing positive came of it."

"What's that?" There wasn't one positive thing she could think of at the moment. One of Teagan's best friends had died a horrific death. A new memory Teagan would carry for life.

"We caught another Trill. Well, actually, Teagan caught him."

"She did what?" If the tri-allele had killed Alyssa, there's no doubt in her mind Teagan would go after it with fists, teeth, and claws if she had to. Such a stubborn girl.

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