Chapter 40

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A frenzied panic of conversation blared from Ross's handheld radio.

"Dispatch! Help! We're under attack. We need help?"

"Engine Seven, could you give us more specifics?"

"Two creatures attacked. We flipped. They yanked Gabe and Dean out through the front window. I...I think they ate them."

Ross picked up the radio. "Dispatch, this is Agent Harris. I'm not far from the accident. I'll head back, see if I can help. That you Beef?"

"Yeah, Agent. It's me."

"Hold tight buddy. Stay out of sight. I'll be there soon." The engine had brought up the rear of the caravan and couldn't be more than a few miles behind them.

Dispatch chimed in, "Negative, Agent Harris. SWAT is trailing the transport truck. They can double back and..."

"Dispatch," Beef interrupted.

"Yes, Seven."

"SWAT and the truck carrying Curly also got hit. I saw an explosion and heard gunfire for a couple of seconds"

"Dispatch. This is Agent Harris."

"Go ahead, Agent."

"Have you heard from either SWAT or the transport?"

"I've attempted to hail them on the other line. I'm getting nothing but static. Seven, this is dispatch."

"I...I'm here," Beef whispered.

Ross heard sheer terror in every word.

"Are you injured?" Dispatch asked.

Beef whimpered, "Not yet."

"Sorry dispatch, I'm going back." Ross didn't care about orders. He had to get to Beef and ensure Curly's capture and delivery. He'd also try and save Beef.

"Good luck Agent Harris."

No argument from them at all. "Thanks, dispatch. I'm going to need it. Agent Harris out." Yeah, he needed luck all right and a whole lot more.

"Dispatch copies and is going to get a stiff drink."

"Bring me one." Beef cleared his throat.

"You got it, sweetie, just be safe."

Ross pulled into a rundown gas station. If he didn't get to Beef soon, the man would die. But to do so he'd be putting the girls in harm's way and he couldn't do that. They might as well be his own daughters. There's no way in hell I'm taking these girls back with me.

I know this is a short chapter. Let the fun begin.

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