Chapter 005
As it turn out, when they arrived , few of the first year students were there signing to join the basketball competition.
There is 0062 Kongpope. Almost all senior already knew him or at least his name. The most pesky, nosy , a thorn in the flesh, according to Arthit opinion. He always challenged the senior in every step of the way on the orientation in a polite way. He never avoided any punishment throwing at him. And Arthit already thrown so many of punishment on him.
There were also Em and Tiw, two of Kongpope friends and few other newbies. Prem gaze stop at a boy standing behind Kongpope. With his indifferent pose , laser beam eyes and pouting lips, he look very good. NO. NO. NO. Prem corrected himself. The boy look as rude as ever. That's about right.
He saw Wad and Kongpope yesterday at the basketball court from a distance. They look like having a great time. Sitting next together and smiling with each other. When the boy laugh joyously on what Kongpope said, Prem heart nearly stop. He totally transformed and become more attractive than before.
They were so friendly with each other. Kongpope even touched the boy shoulder playfully. Prem gritted his teeth. They should focus on the orientation and studying and not flirting! He walked away from the court. His heart somehow felt heavy for no reason.
Seeing them together here now dampen his good mood. He walked to Kongpope deliberately followed by Arthit and Bright.
The freshmen greet them and they greet back.
"Are you guys entering the tournament?" asked Arthit.
"Yes, P'Arthit," answered Kongpope. His eyes stared at Arthit face for a tad too long.
"Hope you guys practice hard cause we heard other teams are very good this year ," Bright chimed in.
"You must win because our faculty is the reigning champion for two years in a row. But looking at the new members now, I had my doubt," said Prem in demeaning tone. His eyes slowly stared at the freshmen one by one and ended with Wad.
And it successfully provoked Wad. He had promised Kongpope to be more calm and collected around the senior. But this senior, what his name again, just kept criticize negatively and insulting them.
He had heard some girls talking in his class how they thought Prem was great and handsome. That he was their ideal boyfriend. He was tall and so muscular. And so on. Wad nearly fainted hearing all the compliment. If they only knew the real Prem who kept pouring out acid from his lips.
"Isn't this tournament just for fun and raise team work between the students?" Wad stepped out from Kongpope behind. He glared angrily at Prem.
" If you think the best you can do is having fun on this tournament, just run with tail behind your back to your Mom," said Prem cruelly.
Wad flinch. His gaze slightly wavered. A slight of guilt crept into Prem heart. But its already too late to take back what he said. He does not even understand why he need to make this boy suffered with his words.
"I try to be nice. Why did you need to break our spirit and insulting us.?" Wad try very hard to hold back his anger.
"I just stated the truth. You need to listen to your senior and quit the tournament if you don't had any confidence to win it,"
" Don't use your seniority to bully us . I won't hesitated to punch you in the face even if you are my senior." Wad was ready to lounge and took Prem down if it wasn't for Kongpope who hold his arm tightly that he cannot move foward.
"So you want a fight?" Prem does not want to fight. But he will not back down if someone asked for it.
"Stop! Why both of you want to fight over something so trivial?" Arthit stand between Wad and Prem. "Both of you act like children. It's totally embarrassing to watch."
"B, bring Prem out of here," he ordered Bright with assertive tone. Bright did not need to be asked twice. He dragged Prem out quickly.
"Guys, I hope all the best for your basketball competition," Arthit said sincerely. "But you need lots of hard work to win."
"We won't let the faculty down, P'Arthit. We will get the title," promise Kongpope.
"Let's wait and see," Arthit said and walk away. Outside, he told Prem that he will come to his dorm room at afternoon and listened to what troubling him these few days to become so unbearable to others.

The Story Of Prem And Wad. SOTUS The Series. A Fanfiction.
Fanfiction" Don't use your seniority to bully us . I won't hesitated to punch you even if you are my senior." Wad hated seniors who abusing their power. He had enough of that in his high school year. "So you want a fight?" Prem does not want to fight. Bu...