" Don't use your seniority to bully us . I won't hesitated to punch you even if you are my senior." Wad hated seniors who abusing their power. He had enough of that in his high school year.
"So you want a fight?" Prem does not want to fight. Bu...
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Notes : Prem played by Gunsmile. @shou-k , hope you can recognize who is Prem and who is Knott now. :D
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2017! Hope all the best for all of the lovely readers. See you again in 2017. (hcpoirot)
Chapter 023
Prem was in the cafetaria, ordering the food and drink for Arthit when his phone rang. It was from Knott. They need him asking permission from the professor for outside campus orientation activities at his office.
He still had time. He will delivered the food to Arthit then go to the meeting.
While waiting, he called Wad asking his condition. The boy said he was fine and had go back to campus today. He ended the phone after they agree to meet here later in the afternoon for meals.
"Hello, P'Prem," someone greeted him at the drink station when he picked up Arthit's pink milk. He greeted back.
"Kongpope, what are you doing here?" Prem asked. The boy was ordering few cups of ice tea and coffee.
"I am ordering foods for Em, Tiw and Oats. They were still busy in class for a Math project." The boy loking at the drink in Prem hand. " What a cute drink. Do you also like to drink pink milk?"
Seeing Kongpope here, reminded Prem that the boy was also at the stadium few days ago watching Arthit do the 54 laps. He was very upset that time and asking Arthit if he needed his help.
Of course, his friend was angry and ordered Kongpope to leave. Kong refused and stay at the arena , drenched with rain until the run was completed.
Prem was pretty sure that Kongpope liked Arthit. His worried for Arthit was too much of a junior to a senior . More like a caring attention for a loved one. And although Arthit look annoyed and indifferent toward Kongpope , he actually paid attention and care on what the boy was doing. Like when he was secretly cheering Kongpope during the basketball and pageant finale.
Suddenly, Prem thought of a brilliant idea. A payback for Arthit. It also nice to annoyed his friend a little..
"No, Kongpope. The pink milk was for Arthit with the porridge here," he pointed to the food on his right hand. " Can you help me delivered them for Arthit? I was needed urgently at a team meeting," Prem pleaded.
" I want to help, P'. But I still need to wait for the food . Then I had to get them back to my friends" Kongpope look very conflicted. He wanted to see how well P'Arthit was doing . But he cannot let his friend down.
Prem smiled in his heart. A little push will seal the deal.
"Its alright then, Kongpope. I understand . I will called Fang to help me then. She was asking me for a chance to take care of Arthit several times already," he explained smoothly. It was a big fat lie, of course.
"Poor Arthit. He was so hungry right now waiting for the food," He get out the phone and pretended to start dialing a number.
"I will do it, P'," Kongpope blurted out. His face flushing. "You don't need to bother P'Fang. I will call Em to picked up the food now." He hastily called his friend.
Prem quickly turned around before Kongpope can saw him grinning wickedly.
A great success! His strategy work beautifully. Kongpope was so jealous when he heard a girl wanted to care for Arthit that Prem 100% convinced now that the boy's heart had been stolen by Arthit.
"Here they are," Prem gave the food and drink to Kongpope . "Just go in the room,. The door was not locked."
Prem walked out of cafetaria satisfied . He had lend a hand into his friend budding romance. When he walked to the meeting, he just realised that he had not told Kongpope the number of Arthit dorm room. Maybe the boy will asked around and find it himself.
Notes 2 : For all the loyal fans of Sotus the series drama, you already know why Kongpope can find Arthit dorm room without asking, right?
It was because Kongpope room was across Arthit room. This couple are meant to be. :D