" Don't use your seniority to bully us . I won't hesitated to punch you even if you are my senior." Wad hated seniors who abusing their power. He had enough of that in his high school year.
"So you want a fight?" Prem does not want to fight. Bu...
Arthit came in. He was wearing white t-shirt and blue jeans with flip flop. His hand carrying pink milk, his fav drink and ice caffe latte, Prem fav. Prem love drinking coffee. He even brought a coffee machine from home and put it in his dorm room.
Arthit gave the ice caffe latte for Prem who was laying in his bed.
"Thanks, Ai'Oon * ," Prem said accepting the drink and take a sip. Caffe latte was his fav drinks out of many types of the coffee drink.
Ai'Oon was Arthit childhood nickname. Only few friends know his nickname and Arthit like to kept it that way. Thats why Prem only calling him that when they were alone or with close frriends.
Arthit sit on the study chair near the bed. He put the pink milk on the desk in front of him.
"Why you had been acting such an ass recently, Prem?" he asked to the point. They had known each other since primary school. No need to beat around the bush. "You literally try to pick a fight with the new kid, Wad, several times. Did he wronged you in any way?"
Prem put the half empty drink on the head bed. "I had a personal problem and that kid just rub me in the wrong way at wrong time. So I scolded him. When he challenged me back, I lost my common sense and almost punched his face."
Arthit rubbed his forehead that started to twitch. Prem was the last person from the committee he thought would give him any trouble.
"You should apologise to Wad then . Bury the hatchet. Even if we are a senior, when we do wrong to a junior, we should apologise from the heart,"
Prem nodded slowly. " I know I was wrong in this case. I will find the kid and apologise to him tomorrow, Ai'Oon." He sighed. He did not look foward of doing this.
"Something bad happened, right?" asked Arthit concern. The usual cheerful Prem had disappeared these past few days.
" P' Dan just dumped me few days ago," whispered Prem sadly. "He said that these few months we slowly drifted apart . That we did not date and talk as much like we always did. We had been too busy on our own. And he wanted to concentrate more on his study and internship as a doctor in training at HEALTHY private hospital."
Arthit was the first friend he told that he was gay . Few of his friends also knew that he like man. Few accepted that fact and fine with it. Others chosed to distance themselves from him and he was okay with that. You can't win them all.
"Are you okay?" Arthit moved to the bed and sit beside Prem. He wrapped his right arm around Prem shoulder.
Arthit never liked P'Dan from their several meetings. The guy was handsome and had impeccable manners. But there was something not right about him. Too perfect and too slick. When Arthit asked around , he found out that P'Dan had two relationships before. He dumped his last boyfriend a few days after he started chasing Prem. Both his ex boyfriends came from rich families.
Apparently not as rich as Prem's. Prem's Dad own one of the largest law firm in Thailand. He also own several successful restaurants business and coffee shops.
Although you never know if you look at Prem. He never acted like a spoiled rich kid. He drove used compact car. He did not wore any expensive and famous label clothing . He still used the same mobile phone from three years ago.
Somehow P'Dan must find out about Prem wealthy family background. He never let his sight out of Prem. He wooed Prem for weeks . Arthit tried to warn Prem in subtle ways about his suspicion. But Prem was already head over heels with P'Dan and did not listened to any of his warnings. After more than a year dating, Arthit thought all went very well between them.
Now came the bad news. He don't buy the excuse P'Dan used to break up with Prem. He will investigated this matter secretly later. His main priority now was to make sure his best friend was fine.
"It hurt so bad at first, Ai'Oon," Prem closed his eyes in pain. "I thought that we will be forever. I admit we did not meet and communicate as intense as before. Both of us been busy with our daily activities.
I thought I will surprised him with a trip to Seoul , Korea during this semester break. It was place he wish to visit in his bucket list. But it was too late now." Prem voice cracked.
He try hard to blink back the tears but two liquid pool drop trickling down . He wipe them with his hand.
If he was not trying to consoled Prem, Arthit will find P'Dan right away and gave him a lesson he never forget. Prem was so devastated when Luk , his first boyfriend moved abroad. He never left his room for days. Arthit had to dragged him out of his room physically to go to school again. It took Prem a while to recovered from his broken heart. And now it happened again.
"Be strong, Prem," Arthit squeeze Prem shoulder, trying to give him strength. "It's better this way. Better you know that the relationship did not working now and ended it. Rather than try to hold on for few more years and break up later. "
"You are right, Ai' Oon," Prem cleared his throat. " I try to let it go. I will focus at my study. No more romance for me. "
"Okay then. Lets go eat. I am hungry," Arthit dragged reluctant Prem to get out of his room to go eat at the campus cafetaria. Arthit ordered spicy basil chicken with rice and fried egg. Prem ordered his fav Thai Green curry with small fried onions. All will be better with full stomach.
Author Notes: In this chapter, we see more of Arthit and his friendship with Prem. Hope I had more ideas to write about Arthit. Of course Prem and Wad are my main focus in the story. (hcpoirot)
*Ai' = usually used between friend or younger person they closed to , Oon = mean "warm" in Thai.
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