Chapter 017
The Freshy Night pageant was on. Each faculty will be represented by first year boy and girl students. The judges will pick the winners based on look, talent and their abiltiy to answered questions on interview round.
Kongpope and Plea from Engineering doing very good, judging by the audiences applaused when they appeared on the stage. They were singing and playing guitar for the talent show portion. Both had good vocal and sang with harmonies
Prem try to enjoyed the contest but he can't. He kept gazing at the hall door, expecting Wad will come in any time soon. But he never did. Maybe his leg was hurting again, Prem thought worriedly.
"Guys, our faculty had good chance to win both title," predicted Knott with confident. The pair talent show was the best so far. As long as they did not messed up on the last round, all will be good.
" Agree, Knott," Bright nodded enthusiastically. "Specially N'Plea. She was very pretty and play the guitar so well. Her voice sound angelic," He was staring at the girl on the stage with sparkle on his eyes.
Arthit look at Bright and shaking his head. Hmm, look like his friend had been dumped again and now had set his eyes on a new crush. Bright will be chasing her for days to come.
"Don't be so sure until interview round ended," reminded Arthit. "Specially Kongpope. He was a bit behind the beat at the start of the song. He had to ace the final round," he criticized .
He quietly kept texting with his mobile. Beside Prince and Princess titles, there was also Fan favourite twinner based on audiences votes online. His fingers kept clicking "Vote" on one profile repeatedly .
The person of his choice just finished the talent show with Plea on stage and bowing to the audiences . They got big applaused and even loud whistling from their friends . The hosts came out announcing the talent portion had ended and the judges interview will begin shortly.
Prem kept looking at the door and still no sight of Wad. He should be here already to support Kongpope.
Something must gone wrong, his instinct told him. He feel hundreds of butterflies on the pit of his stomach. He stood up from his seat.
"Sorry guys. Got to go," he said to his friends who seated behind him. "I need to check on something,"
Without waiting any reply, he quickly got out of the pageant hall. His walk became faster and faster. Without him realizing, he was running on his way to the basketball stadium.
Notes: You all know who Arthit kept voting online for, right? :D And Run Prem, Run! (hcpoirot)

The Story Of Prem And Wad. SOTUS The Series. A Fanfiction.
Fanfiction" Don't use your seniority to bully us . I won't hesitated to punch you even if you are my senior." Wad hated seniors who abusing their power. He had enough of that in his high school year. "So you want a fight?" Prem does not want to fight. Bu...