Notes: Above is BTS newest MV "Blood , Sweat & Tears" . Very cool one. And the song is very good too. (hcpoirot)
Chapter 011
The basketball team kept winning their quarter and semifinal matches with closed scores. They will meet the favourite team : Economy faculty on the final tomorrow. Kongpope, Em , Tiw and other members were celebrating on the nearby cafetaria. Meanwhile Wad had to decline cause he had to went home.
Wad was dead tired. He had done two part-time jobs today, one basketball match, a class, then he had to go to his evening job later. He needed rest. But he had promised his sister that they will eat together at least three times a week.
His home was far from the campus. Its very tiring to travel every day from one place to another back and forth. But he can't afford to pay the dorm room fee. His bike had accumulated long mileages since he went to university.
Its already 5 pm when he arrived at home. Home was not the right word. More like a small flat. It had only 1 bedroom, a tiny bathroom, small kitchen and living room that also served as Wad place to sleep at night. Its not much but they lived comfortable and peaceful here.
Wad open the front door. No one at the living room.
The energetic music came from the bedroom indicating that his sister was there. The door was open. The latest hit of BTS* "Blood Sweat & Tears" playing so loudly from a laptop while his sister was dancing with the music. When she saw him, she stop dancing and gave Wad a hug.
Wen, Wad's sister, look just like him. A softer version of him, thankfully. Big eyes with long lashes, thin eyebrows shape like half moon, small nose, long black hair, full lips with small face. Different than Wad who was in serious mood most of the time , Wen was cheerful and energetic.
"P' Wad, welcome home. Have you been here long?" She lowered the volume of the song. Wen had not seen her brother for two days because of his busy schedules.
"Nope, I just came back, *N' Wen. Everything's alright?"
"All is good. I had done my homework. Only need to revise the Math for tomorrow exam," she clinged on Wad right arm . " Have you eaten yet?"
Wad shook his head.
"The good news is I just came back from shopping daily goods after school. The bad news is I had not cook anything yet."
Wad can see what's coming from the look of Wen mischievous smile.
"So you want me to prepare dinner?" he asked already knowing the answer.
"Of course, P," she answered."You are by far the best chef out of us two," she pleaded with her big eyes. Wen was a decent cook. But cannot be compared with her brother skill on the kitchen.
"Okay, okay. I will do it. Happy?" Though tired, Wad cannot resisted his sister simple wish. Beside he love to cook for Wen and he did not get to do that often since campus started.
He came out of the room. Opened the small refrigerator to see what's in it. There is cold rice left, few eggs, few raw chicken thighs and vegetables.
He quickly cut garlics , onions and red chillis into small pieces. He teared the chicken thighs meat into small pieces. Cracked open two eggs , put them into small bowl and scrambled them with fork. Add few drop of salty soy sauce in it. He heat oil in the skillet over medium high heat. After it hot, he started to cook by add onions, garlic , stir. Then pour in the cold rice and stir until it golden. Add chicken and the scrambled egg.

The Story Of Prem And Wad. SOTUS The Series. A Fanfiction.
Fanfiction" Don't use your seniority to bully us . I won't hesitated to punch you even if you are my senior." Wad hated seniors who abusing their power. He had enough of that in his high school year. "So you want a fight?" Prem does not want to fight. Bu...