" Don't use your seniority to bully us . I won't hesitated to punch you even if you are my senior." Wad hated seniors who abusing their power. He had enough of that in his high school year.
"So you want a fight?" Prem does not want to fight. Bu...
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Arthit played perfectly by Kris. Happy 21st Birthday Kris.
Chapter 004
Beside studying and SOTUS orientation, first year students also had to participate in many competitions between faculties. Two of the most competitive were the basketball games and the Prince & Princess Pageant Freshy Night competition.
Engineering faculty never lost in the basketball games two years in a row. Prem was the team captain with Bright and Arthit help when they won the title two years ago. Last year they were lucky when two of the freshmen were national junior members.
But this year it look like they had to gave up the title. The registration for the competition almost closed and yet the newbies had not registered yet.
"It such a shame if the freshmen from this faculty did not even enter," said Bright with heavy heart.
Arthit, Prem and Bright were in a full crowd campus cafetaria. They just finished lunch.
"But even if they did enter, I dont think they can win," Prem gave his opinion. "I heard that this year , the Economy faculy had two very strong basketball players. "
"You never know what will happened if you don't try," Bright interjected. "A miracle could happen if the newbies work hard. Basketball is all about team work."
"Wow, B," Arthit called Bright nickname. "I don't know you are so wise quoting a proverb," Bright was such a goofball that he rarely taken anything seriously.
"Are you our friend B? Or are you an intelligent alien that take over our friend ?" Prem joined the teasing.
"Hey!" Bright made a face, pretend to be offended. "My brain not all filled with jokes and girls, you know." Bright also a helpless flirt. He had several relationship that never lasted long.
"Such a lousy liar. I just saw you flirt with Rita , a third year from Law major earlier," Prem knocked Bright forehead lightly. "How is it?"
Without any hint of embarassment Bright answered," I got a date with her this Saturday,"
Arthit rolled his eyes. "So you already bounced back after your breakup with Lin from our class last week?"
"Yep. My history with Lin done and dusted. Better to look foward on my next date,"
Arthit don't know if he had to congratulate Bright or punched him. Bright never ran out of dating and girlfriends. Lucky SOB. He in comparison still single like forever.
After joking for a while , they decided to check on the basketball committee, to see if the first class had entered a team or not.