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Jess squinted as the cold air hit her face, a brisk wind throwing her hair back. Sarah sniffed over exaggeratedly, "Ahhh, the fresh smell of rain" She smiled, happy to be home.

"Or the smell of London, dampness and depression?" Shenel suggested, laughing along. "That too" Jess agreed. The girls decided to head back to their old apartment here in London before visiting any family, as they were all very tired after the long haul flight.

They walked towards one of the free taxis and began their journey, again.


(Jess's POV)

I yawned as I leant my head against the car window, watching the raindrops run down the glass. The taxi driver had put on the radio, and all of a sudden "Kiss Me" by Ed Sheeran came on (A/N idk I was listening to it while writing).

I instantly thought of when Shenel and Sarah were talking about doing a cover of this  a few weeks back, while BamBam was around. My heart sunk. BamBam... I only left this morning and I was down already.

I didn't think it would be this bad! Plus, I wouldn't be seeing him for ages now because of tour. The rain fell harder, pelting against the windscreen. I withdrew from my dreamlike state and listened to the sounds around me.

I glanced over, Shenel scrolling absentmindedly on her phone, while Sarah was humming along to "Counting Stars" by One Republic. I smiled. That was the first song we ever did a cover of and it brought back so many memories.

Before I knew it, I felt my eyelids droop a little and I slowly drifted off...

"MORNING GUYS!! TODAYS A BIG DAYYY" Shenel screeched, kicking open the doors to both Sarah's and Jess's rooms. "We're going back to our old school!"

Sarah groaned, rubbing her eyes to rid them of sleep, "W-whaaat?"
"Aww COME ON SLEEPY HEADS YOU'VE SLEPT IN!" Shenel flicked on the light in Jess's room, blinding her.

"Okay.. OKAy!! I'm GETTING UP!" Jess replied, throwing her duvet off of her body, half of it dangling towards the floor. "About time.." Shenel muttered under her breath, rolling her eyes.

She was already dressed and ready to leave the house. Their managers  had arranged for them to go and visit their old secondary school, where the band started.

About 10 minutes later, Sarah was ready, wearing black skinny jeans and a quite large white woolen sweater. She was eating a half burnt piece of toast. By the time Sarah had finished her toast, Jess had managed to drag herself down the corridor, dressed in black jeans, a t-shirt and a oversized grey cardigan.

Shenel sighed, "Finally... You took your time. The taxi is outside" The three got up, making their way towards the front door. The time was about 7:30 am, and school was going to start in an hour.

They were aiming to get there for morning assembly, which started around 8:35. "Yay" Sarah said sarcastically, "More taxis"


After about half an hour of driving, random games and a lot of "Oh! Remember we used to go Pokemon hunting in that park!" Or, "That's the way I used to walk home", they finally made it to their secondary school.

The time was about 8, and a few students were already arriving, either by bus or foot. The taxi pulled up in the car park, and the head teacher escorted them into the building, avoiding any of the students that may recognize them and let the secret out.

She introduced herself, as she was new and the old headteacher that they girls remembered was long gone (A/N thank god). She brought them to the hall, where whole school assembly would be held in a few minutes.

It was quite a large hall with a big stage at the other end. Pretty much the same as to when the girls attended. They followed the head back stage, as they got their mics.

Soon enough, students began filing in. A teacher walked on. From what Shenel could hear of her voice, she must of had a large smile on her face.

"Good morning, that was excellent coming in today by the way. Let's try to keep it that way. Now, you defiantly don't know, but we have a big surprise for you guys."

The hall became a little unsettled. The teacher waited for the noise to die down. "And no.." She chuckled, "We are not having another cake sale" For once, the teacher managed to get a few giggles from the students.

"I'm sure some of you have heard of Young and Surviving?" The teacher asked. There was a large yell, a lot of shocked faces and one or two looking completely lost (A/N me tbh).

"Well, we have three girls we would like you to meet" the teacher gestured towards the stage as Shenel, Jess and Sarah walked on. Sarah smiled widely, the crowd screaming in her ear. Shenel grabbed the mic to shush everyone.


(Anonymous POV)

I sighed as my mum called me and my brothers name. I heard her bed creak as she got up and opened her curtains. Monday already? Why?! I heaved myself out of bed, sliding open my curtains and slipping on my uniform.

I then headed downstairs to eat breakfast. It was a cold spring morning when I stepped out, waving my mum goodbye and beginning my somewhat short but also long walk to school.

Honestly, it wasn't that long, I was just a lazy arse. I slipped in an earbud, shuffling my playlist. My favorite band came on straight away. I smiled. They always managed to make me, even on a dreary Monday morning.

It was one of Young and Surviving's songs from their mini album. They where rumored for a full album and tour, which would end great. However, I wasn't getting my hopes up anytime soon.

I probably won't ever meet them anyways. I got to school around 8 ish, heading for my form room. Some of my friends were there already. "Whatchya listening to?"

One of them asked. I showed her my lockscreen, and she smiled. She was a fan too. "I hope the rumors about their album is true" she said. I nodded, putting my phone away into my blazer pocket.

More students began arriving, and soon it was time to head to assembly. Ugh. Boring. We filed into the hall and sat down. I wasn't really paying attention until I hear miss say Young and Surviving.

I felt my heart rate increase as I yelled out my reply. It all happened so fast. Miss turned around, pointing towards the stage when... They walked out. I felt like fainting.

To think i was telling myself I would never meet them this morning. I wonder why they were here though?


A/N that was effort but it's up. I can safely say that's the longest update I've ever done xD hope you enjoyed?? Idek

Sorry for any mistakes as I've never written this long and it's currently 1:05am right now xD


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