Hospital trips

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I woke up, feeling goosebumps form on my arms. I moved my hand around the darkness, looking for the duvet that must have fallen off while I slept.

My hand fell onto a warm figure beside me, who was also hogging the quilt. "Jihooooon.." I muttered, yanking the quilt sharply across my chest, flipping myself over.

He must of booked us into a hotel. I wondered of Jess, and if she was even alive. If Shenel was okay... Somehow, I found myself drifting off into a dream.

It wasn't pleasant.

It was an eerie night, and I was driving down a dark road, lit only by the headlights of my car. I was feeling a bit sleepy, but I knew I wasn't tired enough for it to be unsafe to drive.

As I rounded a corner, I saw a dark haired female standing in the middle of the road. I hit the brakes hard, my seatbelt pressing hard against my throat, almost chocking me.

It didn't work.

My car flipped, landing somewhere on the side of the road. A series of thoughts ran through my head.
I'm going to die.
No ones going to find me.

I glanced over at the road, guilt rushing through me as I saw the girls lifeless body lying in the middle of the road. I should probably move her. I would never forgive myself if I just left her lying there.

I struggled with my seatbelt, finally undoing it and falling onto the roof of the car, as it was upside down. The window was already smashed, so I crawled through, wincing as a shard of glass caught my skin.

I rose from my crouched position, my hands pressing hard against the rugged tarmac road, looking up to see where he body rested.

She was gone.

Furrowing my eyebrows in confusion, I heard a click behind me. I spun around, a gun pointed at my face. It was her. She loaded the gun. "Wake up"  She whispered, before pulling the trigger.

My eyes shot open before I died. I was breathing short, heavy breaths. Sweat beads ran down my face and my hands. I looked around the room, wide eyed, making sure I was properly awake. That was weird...

Suddenly, as if on cue, my phone rang, the ringtone piercing through the early morning silence of the hotel room. It vibrated violently on the bedside table. As I reached for it, I heard Jihoon stir beside me.

The caller ID read 'Shenel'. I answered within a second, knowing what it was about Jess. "I'll be outside your hotel room in 5 minutes.." Shenel said across the phone.

"Okay, see you in a sec" I understood instantly that we were going to visit Jess. I glanced at the clock.


I left a note for Jihoon, knowing he probably heard the conversation, but just to be on the safe side. Shenel was waiting outside the hotel room, just like she had said.

We asked for a taxi at the front desk and soon we were at the hospital. "What happened?" I asked, breaking the silence. Shenel just shook her head as we walked up the stairs, towards where the receptionist had directed us. "You'll see now"


Minghao was sat in the waiting room when Shenel and Sarah walked in. His eyes were puffy and he hadn't slept in ages. He smiled weakly at the pair as they walked over, Sarah embracing him in a hug.

"She's on life support.." He mumbled to Sarah as she pulled away. She didn't even have enough energy to react. "You should get some sleep.." She pulled his arm towards the door, telling him Jihoon had booked a room for him at the hotel.

He smiled, before looking longingly at the door to Jess's ward. "Sleep well Jess.." He hummed, then saying his goodbyes to the girls, and heading downstairs.


"Are you here to see Jessica?"
The voice snapped Shenel out of her thoughts. "Ah- yes we are." They were the only ones in the waiting room anyway.

The time read 4:08am. "You can go in and see her now.." The nurse said. Shenel and Sarah followed her into the room. It was a long white room, about the length of a bus.

Very big for just one person, but none of the other beds were in use. Sarah's nose scrunched up at the strong smell of bleach and cleaning products. "Call me if you need anything..."

The nurse said, before slowly closing the door and proceeding down the corridor. Sarah sat down on the chair next Jess's bed, her eyes watching every move of the heart monitor next to her.

"I- I don't know what went wrong" she stuttered, clearly shaken. "We need to tell someone about what you saw, someone that'll believe the truth and see it through" Shenel said, Sarah nodding in agreement. "It's all BamBam's fault"


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