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Jess was awoken by the sound of the doorbell. She groggily sat up in bed, rubbing her eyes and yawning. Who could it be at this time in the morning?

"One second!" She yelled, wondering as to why Sarah couldn't just do it. She rushed towards the door, unlocking it. Before she could even comprehend who was at the door, she was engulfed in a hug.

"Awww, Jess is all sleepy! Did we wake you up?" Jess glanced up to see Minghao grinning down at her. "Y-you're squishing me.." Jess croaked, smiling widely. Minghao released Jess, following her into the kitchen. Behind him was Hansol, Jihoon and Joshua.

"What are you lot doing here?" Jess asked, pacing around the kitchen. "We were bored.." Hansol shrugged his shoulders. It didn't take anyone too long to change the subject to change the subject to Sarah's movie trailer, seeing as she wasn't there to tell them to not talk about it.

"What did you think of Sarah's trailer?" Hansol piped up from where he was sitting. The room fell silent. "Where is Sarah anyway?" Jihoon asked, glancing towards the staircase.

Jess shrugged, explaining that she had just woken. "OH!" Jess exclaimed, "What time as it?!" Joshua checked his phone, humming. "Ummmm, 1pm? Why?"

Jess's eyes shot open. "wHAT? I THOUGHT IT WAS EARLY!" Minghao laughed, patting her on the back. "Sarah and Shenel probably went to the hospital without wanting to wake me up..."

"hUH? THE HosPITAL?" Jihoon yelled banging his fist on the kitchen counter. "Calm down!" Jess laughed, "Shenel has an appointment" Jihoon nodded understandingly. "How many months now?" He asked about Shenel.

Jess look upwards, thinking. "Umm.. Well I'm pretty sure this appointment she will be finding out the gend-" She was cut short by Joshua, who had stuck his hand between the pair.

"One question." He spoke clearly. "What. Are. We. Actually. Taking about?" Hansol nodded in agreement behind him. Jess looked confused at him. "Shenel's baby, why?"

There was the sound of the front door unlocking, followed by excited voices. "OMG WHAT?!" Hansol exclaimed, shocked by the news of Shenel being a mother. "HANSOL WTF UR NOT SUPPOSED TO SAY Oh MY GAWD" Sarah yelled from out of sight, walking down the hallway.

As the pair entered the kitchen, Sarah was met with glares from Hansol, who was trying to be mad, but broke out into a laugh soon enough. "So!" Jess said excitedly, "Tell us the news!"

Shenel smiled, before mumbling, "Sarah was right..." Sarah smiled widely, "BItch I'm never wrong I knew it was a girl from just looking at you." Everyone started to laugh, before breaking out into congratulations.


After the boys had left, it was just Young And Surviving left with the rest of the day to do whatever they felt like. "Oh guys! The movie premier is next week, and I need to send off the invites! Do you guys wanna come?"

"OOOH!" Shenel said excitedly, "Like red carpet kinda thing?!" Sarah nodded. "Ugh..I can't go out like this.." Shenel gestured down towards her stomach. "You don't have to come..You can stay at home and eat pizza if you want." Sarah said. "No it's fine" Shenel raised her head high, "I will go, and slay like a motherfucker"

Sarah laughed. "Great!"

"How about you Jess? Are you going to come with us?" Jess looked up from her phone, nodding. "Of course! Do I have to get a date though?" Sarah shook her head, "Shenel isn't going to have one, though I think you should ask Minghao..."

"sHIPP" Shenel chanted from the sofa, as Jess shrunk back to the wall in embarrassment.  "I'll ask him now..." Jess mumbled, her cheeks glowing red.

"Perfect! I'm sure Jihoon can come, and I'll send the guest list off now. Just imagine.. Stepping out of that limo in our dresses, looking goa-"

Jess interrupted Sarah, "Just LIKE WE DREAMED OF DURING OUR FIRST GIG!!!" Everyone began smiling. Their dreams were coming true. "BOI I best start looking for a dress now!" Shenel exclaimed, grabbing her phone.

Hi guys, it's me. Life has been kinda rough for me at the moment, but hey, I'm still updating cause its really one of the only happy thing to do atm.


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