Rumors and articles

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"Thank you for welcoming us into your  beautiful country!" I yelled to the crowd as they all cheered. Tears welled in my eyes. Was this actually happening? All over like that?

It only felt as though we had begun tour yesterday. The lights changed, three spotlights created in a soft orange.

I brought the mic toward my mouth for the final song, using the sudden surge of emotion I had gotten to belt out all of the notes like today was my last day, better then I had ever done in any practice.

Before I knew it, Shenel walked up to me, patting me on the back. Her voice was thick with emotion. "We made it Sarah, we did it..." I didn't want that moment to end.

Tears knowing no boundaries, flowing down my face in pure happiness.


"THANKS FOR HAVING US! WE ARE YOUNG AND SURVIVING!" We all bowed as the roar of the arena somehow got louder, if that was even possible.

The yells from the crowd continued well after we had disappeared back stage. We burst into the large dressing room, a whole house compared to what we had after our first ever gig, the memory still fresh in my mind.

"I'm going to go and shower" Jess sighed, signaling with her thumb in the direction of the door behind her. "That's fine" I replied, sitting down on one of the sofas.

A few minutes had past, when Shenel broke the silence, "Have you realized Jess has been a bit down recently?" I looked up from my phone, locking it and placing it on my lap.

"Yes, actually, I have. She has seemed a little... Depressed?" I said it carefully, as I knew it wasn't a term you just threw around. "I'm afraid to say so, but I think you're right.." Shenel sighed. "What could it be?" I thought aloud.

"I haven't a clue..." Shenel sighed sadly at the fact that Jess wasn't telling them what was bothering her. "It's not normal for her, I wonde-" Shenel stopped short, as the bathroom door unlocked.

"I wonder how my brother is getting on with the new puppy he adopted" Shenel saved the awkward situation. I shot her a "nice save" look and Shenel smirked, clearly proud with herself.

I rolled my eyes, realizing that Shenel will probably never shut up about how "awesome" that save was. I smiled up at Jess, who smiled weakly back, as she threw herself on the sofa next to me.

Shenel made the first move. "Jess, has anything been bothering you lately?" She approached the question cautiously, as not to make Jess angry. "Well, I have been m-meaning to t-tell you b-but..."

She stammered, close to tears. "'s fine" I said, "You can tell us anything!"
"I-its BamBam...." Jess sniffled, "He- he broke up with me..."

"WHAT!" Shenel exclaimed, "WHY?!" Jess said nothing, just proceeded to open her phone to a link that someone, probably BamBam, had sent her. I grabbed her phone and read it aloud: "Young And Surviving's Jessica spotted at party with other guys"

I tutted, "So you're telling me that BamBam broke up with you over an article with no pictures and that was probably made by a jealous fangirl?" Jess looked up at me, her eyes wide. "I-i never thought of that..." She trailed off. I handed her back her phone, crossing my arms.

"GOT7, those boys.... I have no words"


"Wait!" Shenel said, a smile on her face. She clicked on Jess's phone, that was still open on the gossip website. A new page loaded, reading: "FORMER LASSO GIRLS SPOTTED AT YOUNG AND SURVIVING'S GRAND FINALE CONCERT WITH THEIR PARTNERS"

The girls burst into laughter. "To think they wanted to kill us a few months back." Shenel giggled. "Let me read it" Jess smiled, scrolling down. "Former Lasso Girls Suzanna and Sophia were spotted today at Young and Surviving's Grand Finale concert here in Seoul.

The girls were accompanied with their longtime partners (from left to right) Baekhyun of EXO and Jungkook of BTS" Jess read out, pausing in between to laugh. "How ironic" Sarah sighed, chuckling.

"Nice concert girls!" Their manager said, walking into the room. The girls all stood and welcomed their managers complements with smiles and bows. "Now girls, you will have to head down the corridor to get ready for the interview, which I'm pretty sure you guys forgot about" she chuckled, and Shenel groaned.

"Ughhh okayyyyy" she laughed, pretending to be really fed up.
The girls made their way down the corridor.

Sorry, I should rephrase.

Sarah Naruto-ran down the corridor, whilst Jess and Shenel walked behind, discussing if it was even possible for maknae to have that much energy after a concert.

After a quick hair and makeup fix, they sat in the three seats provided for them, and waited for the camera men to say when they were ready. Doing interviews could be really risky, especially ones like these, that were being broadcasted live.

They could either get a really nice interviewer, or one that was just really nosey and asked questions that just made it awkward. Thankfully, they hadn't gotten any of those...yet. Finally, after what seemed like ages, the so called interviewer rushed in.

He was quite tall, with a pair of wide framed glasses that looked like they belonged in the 80s and a very evident clef chin.

He was carrying a bundle of papers in his hand, and almost dropped them twice on his walk to his chair, which was about 10 steps from the door... He began asking questions. They were alright at first, but they jut seemed to be getting needier and needier.

"So Jessica, how is your relationship going with BamBoo?" Jess's face darkened. Sarah covered up, "I'm unsure if you heard sir, but she said to just call her Jess. Also his name is BamBam."

He coughed, pushing his glasses up hi large nose. "Ah, yes.. Sorry about that..but ummm" He fumbled around with his papers. Their manager signaled from the side for them to do their outro, as it was getting far too awkward.

"Ahh, well thanks for being here.. Um.. Young and... Surviving yes" The girls bowed politely, ignoring all the mistakes the interviewer was making. "CUT!" Someone yelled.

"Thank god that's over!" The girls' manager sighed, "That interviewer was terrible!" Jess sighed, agreeing.

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