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Yawning, Sarah dragged herself up the stairs towards her hotel room. She was recked, having not slept all night. It was 5:00am. She unlocked her door with her keycard, careful as to not wake Jihoon up, who she assumed was still asleep.

She tiptoed around in the darkness, reaching the side of the bed. Throwing her pajamas back on, she slipped under the covers, glad that they would be warmed by Jihoons small body.

She was wrong. As she dipped her foot in between the covers, she was met with a freezing cold sensation. Sarah felt the bed next to her, hoping to reach out and feel Jihoons shoulder in the darkness.

She got a handful of covers. "Jihoon?" She called out. There was no reply. Sarah sat up, her eyes searching wildly around the dark hotel room. Her phone vibrated, slashing through the silence that had fallen.

She answered, coughing to steady her voice, "Hello?" She smiled as Jihoon's voice rang down the line. "Sarah, I'm sorry. Seungcheol has called us for a practice. I know it's early bu-" 

Sarah cut him off with a sigh. "Don't worry, I understand how much Seventeen means to you. If i was in your situation, I would have done the same." She could practically see him smile, "Thank you Sarah! Sleep well now.." 


Sehun threw the curtains open, sunlight flooding into the room. "Yah! Sehun!" Shenel groaned, stuffing her head under her pillow. Her stomach instantly flipped as she remembered that she needed to tell him the.... News.

"Shenel-ahh.." Sehun whined, as she resisted against his grip. "I want to get breakfast!" He laughed. "Fine.." She pouted, "But I need to tell you something important..." Sehun looked down at her,

"Tell me anything... After we get good" He grinned, tugging Shenel's arm.



We both sat down at a table, Sehun instantly grabbing the hotels breakfast menu. "Can we get the buffet deal?" Sehun asked excitedly, obviously hungry.

"Yeah, whatever you want" I laughed at his silliness. I waited for him to return from the buffet before telling him. "So.." He said, handing me my croissant, "What were you going to tell me?"

"Uh.. Yeah.." I gulped nervously. "But can I just ask... How would you ever feel about being a father?" I watched as Sehun's face lit up. "I would be so happy! We should try sometime in the future!"

"Well what would you do if I told you that you were going to be a father?" He looked at me confused, "What..? You mean.. You're pregnant?" I looked at him without any expression, not sure as to what his reaction would be.

"Who's the father?" He asked. I was confused. "Wha-?"

"Because it's obviously not me. Enjoy your life with that ugly ass of a child, you cheater. And I don't wanna see your face unless it's to inform me that you have genetic proof that the child is mine"

And with that, he pushed his chair back, storming off in the direction of the door. My bread knife clattered to the floor, my head falling out of my hands and onto the table. Tears streaming down my face, I knew people were staring, but I just sat there.

A minute or two passed, before I pushed away from the table. I knew exactly were I was heading.



Shenel rushed down the hallways, tears clouding her view, but she knew where she was going. She hammered on the door, calming down as she heard Sarah sing a song on her way towards the door.

Oh yes, I'm that diamond. hyungnae nael su eomneun Seventeen Cara-

Sarah stopped singing the moment she opened the door, greeted by the red-faced, teary eyed Shenel. "Please tell me those are happy tears?" Sarah said, sighing because she knew the answer anyway. Shenel just shook her head, pushing into Sarah's room.


I woke up, squinting instantly as bright lights flooded my vision. It was like being born all over again. Not that I remembered, just how people expected it to be. Where on earth was I? The first thing I noticed was the ongoing beeping noise coming from somewhere beside me.

~beep beep ~ beep beep~ beep beep

I couldn't remember much. Besides that incident with BamBam. Was I in hospital? For some reason, I had memories of conversations, but I couldn't match them up with pictures. Like, I could recall Sarah and Shenel discussing the band, and also hearing Sarah singing 'Medals'

It was like watching a MV, and only remembering the song.



Yo guys, its me again. Life has been kinda crap atm, but SVT have announced their new comeback, so thats made my weekend (and my calendar xD) Well, its nice to see the person at the end of the chapter is alive....


~ yebin/ fetus hansol trash

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