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The autumnal wind ruffled Sarah hair, as she stood outside the school gates one sunny September morning. "Sarah!" Her friends voice rang out. She spun around, seeing her friend and a shorter boy, just her height, standing next to him.

Sarah hadn't seen him around before, but in that second that they met eyes, the world seemed to pause. Sarah continued her life after that moment, but she still couldn't shake of that feeling she got when they met eyes, his smile making a fluttery pit in her stomach.

Sarah did have a few classes with mysterious boy, and happened to learn that his name was Jihoon. Only then did  poor Sarah realize, that she had a crush.

It was the last day of school before the Christmas break, and Sarah was sat with her mates in the lunch hall, trying to finish off her maths homework, when suddenly the bell rang for next period.

Sarah rushed off to her next lesson, not realizing that she had left her maths book on the table...

There was a rat-a-tat-tat on the front door. "One second!" Sarah called out, jumping down the stairs two at a time. She unlocked the door, sighing from running.

She was met with a small figure, bundled up in a coat and scarf, clutching a maths book. "Sarah right?" He asked holding out the book to her. "Oh! Thank you! You're... Jihoon? Correct?" He smiled, nodding. Snowflakes settled in his hair.

"Hey.." Jihoon began.. "Do you think I could get your number?" Sarah smiled, reaching for his hand so she could carefully print the numbers onto his palm.

"Will I see you back at school in the new year?" Jihoon asked, as Sarah pulled away, pen still in her hand. "Umm.. About that.." Jihoons face went blank.

"I'm actually moving away next week... I'm going to England because my dad got a new job.." Jihoon cast his eyes to the floor. He looked up slowly, pouting. "At least call me?" He murmured. Sarah smiled, "Sure!"

Life continued to weave its path of unpredictable events, Sarah moving away to England. They did message for a while, but after a few months, they just seemed to get so distant, there was no point in trying to start the conversation again.

Sarah settled well into the girls school she was attending, making close ties with Jess an Shenel.

That's where it all began.

Having small performances here and there in local bars, life was going well for them.

He saw her from across the bar. Should he talk to her? It had been so long... He could hear her voice from a distance, sending shivers up his spine. But imagine if he hadn't gone to talk to her. He wouldn't be where he is now. And where he is now, is a place he'd never like to leave....


Sarah rested her cheek on my shoulder, yawning widely. We where sat on the porch of a small cabin, small fairy lights stung up around roof. We sipped from mugs of hot chocolate, enjoying the silence neither of us rarely got.

"Hey Sarah?" I spoke quietly, as not to scare her, "Remember a few weeks back when I was late to your movie premier, and I said I got distracted?" Sarah hummed, giggling a bit at the thought.

"Well, I've been meaning to tell you what I was distracted by.." This instantly got Sarah's attention, and she sat up straight. "Go on," she laughed, bringing the mug to her lips.

"Well, I was on the way to meet you when I passed this jewelry store, and I got distracted by the rings in the window. Please don't get mad, but I may or may not have bought you a ring.."

I slipped the velvety box out if my pocket. Sarah had her hands over her mouth, tears threatening to spill from her watery eyes.

"I was wondering if maybe.. No. Sarah, I'm certain you are the woman that I want to spend the rest of my life with. I want to explore the world with you, have kids with you, grow old with you. Will you be my wife?"

Sarah engulfed me in a hug, her tears soaking my jumper. She pulled away, "Of course! Why did you seem so unsure?" I smiled sheepishly, watching as she admired the ring on her finger.

"You're so cheesy, you know that?" She laughed, looking up at me. I smiled back at her, pinching her cheek.

"But that's why you love me..."

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