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I am not asleep anymore, but I'm not awake either. I'm paralyzed in a dream and as the whispers around me increase, my eyes are whisked away through the impenetrable darkness of my hotel room.

The electric buzz I feel reminds me of when I first performed in front of a large stage, back at home in London. Back when BamBam was still here. But he's gone now.

He's not coming back. Even in this state I can't escape that reality.  I completely enter the vision ahead of me, falling through its darkness, swallowed by the shadows.

And then I snap to to a halt. Everything falls silent and I lift my hands in front of me but touch nothing, my feet off the ground, floating in a great void. More whispering surrounds me in a language I don't recognize, but still somehow understand.

The darkness fades, and the world I'm in turns a shade of grey on its way to a white so bright I have to squint to be able to see. A mist drifts in front of me and filters away, revealing a large room. "I-I don't know what went wrong," a voice says, clearly shaken.

The room in quite long, about the length of a bus. The smell of bleach and cleaning products burns my nostrils, makes my eyes water. The air is hot and stuffy. And then I see them at the far end of the room: two figures hunched over a bed.

"He got away. Somehow he got away. I don't know how..." I move forward. I feel the sort of calm that sometimes comes in dreams when you're aware that you're asleep and that nothing can really hurt you.

Step by step, nearing the figures. "I'm not sure how, but the police are after him. They have a trail already." The shorter one says, fidgeting with the bedsheets. I realize there was someone lying beneath the covers, evident from the blonde hair sprawled across the pillow

"They had him. They were about to-," comes the voice but the other cuts her off. She scans the room to see what she's sensed. I stop, stand motionless l, and hold my breath.

And then she finds me. A shudder runs up my spine.

"Jess," someone says, the voice a distant echo.

I wake with a sudden yelp, sweating nervously. "Jess," the voice says again. My eyes search the dark hotel room, scared that the dark dream may whisk me away again.

My eyes make out Sarah in the darkness. She whispers, as not to wake Shenel, "

"What happened?"

I sigh, my mind hazing over in fear.
"I think I just saw the future"


Wooh! Two updates in one day! This one is a short one though. No one saw this coming, not even Ch4n3l_ xD hope you enjoyed. I have tried writing in present tense, as I usually write in past tense xD so sorry if there is any mistakes like switching tenses.

Yebin xx

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