Chapter One

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      I leaned against the cold wall, wondering what had brought me to this point. Was it all the lies? Was it the fact that I was running from myself? Or was it the fire burning inside of my chest? I felt remorse, betrayal, and… well, the other feeling I wasn’t too sure about.  Just one more bite, I thought to myself. When I was sure I wouldn’t be seen, I moved from my hiding place only to be stopped by my brother.

     “You have got to stop sneaking up on me like that, Miguel,” I whispered harshly. He put his index finger to my mouth, shushing me.

     “You need to keep your voice down or someone is going to hear you.” We moved swiftly through the alleyway and crouched at the end. He looked both ways; and I shook my head. It wasn’t like he couldn’t hear if someone were coming down the street. I shook myself loose of the grip I now realized he had on my arm, and made my way toward where I had left my car. “Aren’t you going to eat?” he asked.

     “I’m not hungry anymore,” I replied with a scowl. “You’ve ruined my appetite. I’m going to see Liz before I go insane.”

     “Awe come on. Don’t be like that, Marcilla. You can’t hold a grudge against me forever.”

     “Well, I have forever to get over it so leave me alone,” I threw over my shoulder. It was late and I seriously needed to get off the streets. Not that I’m scared or anything. Far from that. I just wasn’t in the mood for disgusting human men hitting on me and giving me a reason to kill them. I walked the few blocks to my deep red McLaren F1 and got in, feeling a chill up my spine. Something wasn’t right.

     I tuned my ears to listen for anything – a heartbeat, breathing, the slightest movement. I heard nothing. I disregarded the weird feeling in my gut to just be a game in my head. I wanted to get out of there fast though so I pulled out, speeding down the block. Making my way to the outskirts of town I found the road I wanted… or rather needed.

     “And what brings you to my humble abode?” asks Elizabeth Adams as I let myself into her house.

     I just shook my head. “Says the woman with the largest house on this side of town.”

     She smiled and eyed me wearily. “What is it this time?”

     “You act like I only visit when something is wrong,” I replied, feigning a hurt look.

     “Not with steam coming out of your ears.” Oh how well she knows me. She lead me to her living room to get more comfortable. “So tell me all your woes.”

     “I’ve decided to leave town,” I started. She looked at me pointedly, waiting for me to finish. “This is not just one of those grand ideas I get one day where I just decide to pack up and leave.” I’ve done that before so it wouldn’t have been anything new. Liz just nodded so I continue, “This is different. I want to leave for good. I want to relocate myself into an entire different city. I’m sick of small towns, never getting to have a life. I’ve lived way too long doing that.”

     “Well, I think that’s a great idea, Marcilla. When do we leave?”

     “You would really want to come with me?”

     “Now it’s my turn to look hurt. You wound me with your lack of faith.” I just looked at her. The frown on her face did nothing to take from her beauty. Soon she pulled me from my thoughts. “But what are you going to tell your sister? And James? What will you tell him?” Her right eyebrow arched up as she spoke his name.

     “I’m not telling James anything. He can just live his life for all I care.”

     “That is your rejection talking; and we both know it.” I knew she was right; but what could I really do?

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