Chapter Three

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^^^For an awesome cover. You are the best! I refuse to go anywhere else.

     “I’m Marcilla,” I said, eyeing him up and down. I had to smile in appreciation. He surely was a work of art…much like James. I shook my head. I was here to get him out of my head.

     “Derek,” he whispered into my head.

     I looked back up at him.  Hmmmmm. Hello Derek! I thought to myself, but then it struck me. He shouldn’t have been able to send messages to me like that. There was a certain connection or bond that had to be there in order for that to work. I guess he noticed my puzzled expression, but his response was a shrug. “Well, it’s nice to meet you, Derek,” I replied, with that stupid grin still on my face. I had to redeem myself somewhat and still hold onto whatever dignity I had left. I decided to ask him if he wanted a drink.

     “I’ll get it, though. I wouldn’t want a beautiful woman like you to have to pay for a drink at my club,” he responded.

     I took a quick scope of the building. It was huge; yet snug. All the arrangements had a classy European look to them. I then realized that most of the people working here were human. The DJ, the bartenders, the bouncers, and even security were all mortal. I looked beyond him to see that he had two burly looking fellows a distance away, but still close enough to intervene if the need should arise. They were definitely vampires. I could smell their dominance from six feet away, and with people between us. They were probably the real body guards in this place.

     “That’s Lucas and Liam,” he stated nonchalantly, handing me another shot.

     Apparently he had been watching my gaze quite intently. Last shot for the night, I thought. Don’t want to overdo it on the first night out. I could just see Lizzie and Laura trying to carry me home. I shook the image out of my mind with a laugh. I threw my head back. My eyes glazed over with shock.

     “I guess you weren’t expecting that taste.” Derek looked at me with those piercing eyes. I could look at them forever.

     Whatever he had handed to me had a fruity tang. It was a major contradiction to the hard vodka taste I’d had in my mouth. I smiled sweetly at him. At least it tasted good. “So where are you from?” I’m surprised I could actually get words out of my mouth I was so dumb-struck by his looks.

     His eyes gleamed playfully. “Guess.”

     I smiled and laughed lightly. I already knew the answer but I figured I could play that game too. “Hmmmm. You’re from somewhere in Europe. I would say Germany. Your actual name isn’t Derek at all. That’s just your American name; but we all have our secrets.”

     I paused dramatically. I was working my mind into his past. I glanced away as the images became clearer. He seemed amused. “Your name is Dietrich. I like it; but Derek would be more practical for this era. You were born in the 1500s. You’re older than me. You have no siblings and your parents still live in Germany.” I searched further, but I felt a wall come up.

     “Very good, Marcilla. I am quite impressed.” His eyes showed no hint at him having just blocked my power. All I could do was gape at him. This was impossible. In all my four hundred years I had never encountered someone who could do that. I was captivated by the authority he possessed. “What about you,” he interjected into my thoughts.

     “Ireland; but I live in Florida with my brother, sister and mother. I’ve recently moved to New York, though. I’m here with my sister and best friend. You should meet them.” Inwardly I was thinking, I need to know that I’m not crazy to feel this way. I need their mental support. This is too crazy. I should have just stayed home… Or just not drank so much.

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