Chapter Six

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^^^^ Dedicated to her for being a fantastic author. Check out her work! It held my undivided attention. She also made me the banner on the side.

      I sat up with a start. How the hell did I get in my bed? Last thing I remembered was playing beer-pong. Team one was me, Laura and Elizabeth against team two which consisted of Miguel, James, and… and…. My mind drew a blank. I thought there was another guy. No, there was definitely another guy; but I could not remember who he was or what he looked like for the life of me. I scanned my memory to see where I must have blacked out.

      After James and I danced a few songs, Miguel sent a message about playing a game. I asked James what he thought and he agreed to meet with the others over at a table in the VIP. Miguel had beer pong all set up and was explaining the game to Lizzy.

     “Men against Women,” James called out after seeing what was going on. Miguel speedily agreed and we began our game. There was another guy there, but he looked relatively fuzzy in my memory.

     The guys pretty much kicked our butts and it always seemed that I was the one downing the drinks even if it wasn’t my turn. Why did I have to always be the one drinking? I was laughing hysterically at the fact that I would have to down another cup when I blacked out.

     I glanced around my room and nearly jumped half a mile when I saw James sleeping on the couch across from my bed. I’m surprised I hadn’t heard his heart or his breathing. He didn’t stir; but I could see his chest rise and fall.

     I quickly sent a message to the others, “Why is James in my room?” No one responded so I assumed that they were all asleep. I sighed. Stuff like this only ever happens to me. I watched as he shivered lightly. I shook my head… only me.

     I got up and opened my closet, but I sounded like a giant squirrel trying to find an extra blanket and some pajamas. I decided on a comfy big t-shirt. Finally finding a blanket, I put it over him. I saw him relax considerably then kissed his forehead. His heart rate stayed the same so I knew he was still asleep. I got back into my bed and lay there thinking about my life.

     Would I really be happy loving James? Or was Derek right? What would I do with a human? He would die eventually; and Derek would still be there… always. Yes, James was a bit obsessive. I admit it. Derek, on the other hand, had a whole different thing going on. He was cocky enough to believe he could get whatever he wants whenever he wants it. That was the impression he gave me; so should I just throw my hands in the air and wait for someone different to show up?

     I hated thoughts like this. They always leave me thirsty and irritable. I reminded myself that I had just eaten the day before. I could go at least two weeks without blood; but I would definitely feel it by then. I could especially do it if I’m not around any humans. It makes it way more tolerable. Finally, I drifted back off to sleep.

     I woke up again around 11 a.m., because I heard noise coming from my bathroom. James was nowhere in sight so I figured it was him taking a shower. I closed my eyes and tuned my ears to the rest of the house. Laura was still sleeping, and Liz and Derek were in the kitchen having a silent conversation while they cooked a delicious smelling breakfast. I heard James cut off the water and let my mind just take me wherever it wanted to go.

     Next thing I knew, I felt a weight push down on the side of my bed. Then a smell more delicious than anything the culinary world could create. It was the smell of James after a shower. I breathed it in deeply and felt my mouth water.

     I stirred slowly and opened my eyes, blinking a few times. He smiled down at me and gently kissed my forehead. He unhurriedly moved down to my nose, and then my cheeks. Lastly, he settled his lips just above mine, letting me decide the next move. I raised my head and pushed my lips against his. I made sure he knew my intentions. I just wanted to taste him.

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