Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen:

     After hearing Alexander Grey’s question, I had no intentions of letting this council bully me into answering out of fear. I couldn’t deny the fear within my heart toward him, but I wouldn’t let it affect my answers. I thought about his question before answering.

     “I know it would seem that way.” My voice held no anxiety.

     The next councilman asked his question. “What are your intentions with Mr. Derek Kōnig?”

     “I intend to know him more every day and maybe someday be the woman he spends eternity with.” I didn’t want to add any unnecessary details.

     “Was this your attempt to get rid of James?”

     I felt the fire of anger boil within me. “Of course not! I cannot control a black out. I didn’t even recognize the smell of his blood. There was nothing premeditated about this situation.”

     “Are you intimate with Derek?”

     “Yes,” I answered, swallowing my pride. If they wanted to judge me based on my sex life, that would be on them.

     “Have you discussed taking your relationship further?”

     “We actually just talked about it last night.” Only one more question to go.

     “What do you intend on doing with your feelings for Mr. Villanova?”

     “I no longer have feelings for James.” I said it with conviction in my voice, but he still cocked an eyebrow in disbelief.

     Vladimir spoke up. “How about we test that theory? I call to the bench Mr. James Villanova.”

     In walked James in all his vampire beauty and strength. His eyes were calm and turquoise. I wanted to disappear quickly, but knew that I couldn’t. I suddenly felt strength surround me. Derek was mentally supporting me and it left me feeling exhilarated.

     “Thank you, Your Honor. I appreciate you taking the time to hear me on this case.” His eyes were trained on Vladimir.

     I started feeling uneasy about how the rest of this court session would go. I zoned out as all the men asked James questions. They all had to do with our previous relationship and the day of his changing.

     “Marcilla, do you have anything else you would like to add?” Vladimir asked me, breaking my reverie.

     Thoughts of my conversation with Derek flooded my mind. I hesitated slightly as I felt Derek willing me to not mention his uncle. I looked at James and saw his eyes turn red with hatred. “I would like to apologize for my actions before you pass judgment.”

     Vladimir nodded in acknowledgement before standing. The entire council stood with him and filed out the door they had come in through. I sat down next to Derek and reached for his hand in silence. He smiled down at me before kissing me sweetly. It was then that I noticed Miguel was the only one here with me beside Derek. I wondered where everyone else may have gone.

     The Vampirical Council was gone for ten minutes before returning. I dared not look at James the entire time. Vladimir called us both back up to the boxes located at the center.

     “After much deliberation,” started Vladimir as he glanced at the men sitting beside him. Alexander Grey’s expression was passive. “I have listened to this case and the council of my brethren.” He sighed as if battling within himself. “Marcilla, you are obviously guilty of the crime which you have been accused of.” Again, he paused. “My judgment should be to ban you for eternity to prison, but I’ve decided to let you go free. Case dismissed.” He stood quickly and walked out, leaving the rest of the council with their jaws dropped.

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