Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

     “Wake up!” Someone sang loudly.

     Damn vampire senses, I thought. I rolled back over and threw the comforter over my head. The sun wasn’t even peeking through my windows yet and someone was already trying to ruin my day. Suddenly, a bright light shown on me as the covers were thrown off.

     “Wake up!” the annoying voice said again.

     My senses heightened as a body collided with mine. I grabbed the person and flipped them onto their back, my hand tight on their throat. Elizabeth’s face came into focus as I blinked my eyes clear. I quickly pulled back.

     “My body is on alert. Don’t do that to me,” I mumbled as I got out of bed.

     She had pulled open the balcony doors. Sure enough, the morning sun was shining on the beautiful garden. Dad had an architect go out there and redo it into a huge labyrinth with resting sections. Each one held a bench, a fountain, and a flower bed. I could see the morning dew evaporating into a picturesque mist.

     A soft knock at the door distracted me form the view before me. “Come in.”

     “Your breakfast, ma’am.” A young girl came in pushing a cart. She removed the cover to reveal a tray of sliced fruit. A pitcher filled with orange juice was beside the tray.

     Liz pulled herself off the bed and poured a glass as she picked at the melon. She nodded her head and said, “It’s good.” She picked up some kiwi.

     “I need some—.”

     The maid interrupted me. “Pomegranate juice and a bag of blood.”

     My eyes narrowed as she moved the skirt of the cart. My stance changed to one of attack. Liz was giving me a weird look. The girl pulled out the pomegranate juice and a blood bag. “How did you—?”

     Again, she cut me off. “Blood type RH,” she read from the bag. “Your favorite.” It wasn’t even a question. It was definitely a statement.

     “How did you know that? I didn’t even know that,” Liz said.

     The young girl just smiled lightly. “I wish I could just call it woman’s intuition, but I can’t. It’s just one of those things.” She was referring to vampire powers.

     “Thank you.” I was still skeptical, but I shrugged it off as a reaction to the stress I was feeling.

     She curtsied before retreating. Liz and I ate in complete silence. After finishing, I asked Liz to leave so I could call Derek.

     “Hello, baby,” he said through the line.

     “I miss you.”

     “Me too. How is it?”

     I knew he was asking about the security measures. “There are guards everywhere.”

     “I know you hate it, but it’s to keep you safe.”

     “I’m not some child that I need someone to go with me just to feed!” I was still very upset about that.

     “Can you hold for a minute?” He waited for my answer.

     I hated being put on hold. “Yeah,” I finally said. Then he did the unthinkable. He hung up on me. “Jerk! He actually hung up on me!”

      I walked over to my bed and threw myself onto it. I couldn’t even think about going out just yet. My eyes closed of their own accord as my mind attempted to clear. A weird sensation overtook me and my eyes popped open. Someone materialized before me.

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