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"I know what you did!"
The scream echoed through the halls and peoples' gasps were heard as they gaped at the girls.

One year earlier

There were police cars all over the place. Hanna Marin, Spencer Hastings, Emily Fields and Aria DiLaurentis were standing in pyjamas next to the barn of Spencer's parents. People were running around reporters and random people were standing at the edge of the policeband.
The girls were still shocked, Ali their best friend was gone, just gone and nowhere to be found. But neither of them could imagine how Aria was feeling. She had not just lost one of her best friends, it was her twin sister that was missing, her other half.

Right at that moment a police officer came over to them and asked for their names everyone answered except for Aria.
"Excuse me, Miss, what is your name?" The officer asked again but Aria still didn't answer, she was in shock. Spencer was about to answer for her when they heard Emily's mother call their names.
"Ah, officer Avery, what are you doing?"
"Taking their names, ma'am, you don't actually happen to know the name of this young lady, now do you?" Officer Avery asked referring to Aria.
"Yes, I do, her name's Aria DiLaurentis. She is the twin sister of the missing girl." Emily's mother returned. The officer gave Aria a look of pity and then Emily's mother said to the girls "your parents are here."

Spencer hugged her mom and began sobbing into her shoulder, Hanna also hugged her mom and whispered something into her ear, Emily stayed with her mom and hugged her tightly and Aria ran to her parents crying waterfalls of tears. They hugged her asked what happened and her mom cried with her. A uniform went over to them clearing his throat.
"We are very sorry but we couldn't find her. We will start searching through the woods in direction of Ravenswood now. Do you have any idea where she might have gone?" He asked them grieve evidently in his voice as if he felt what they felt, as if he knew what it was like to miss a daughter or sister. But truth be told, he didn't, he hadn't lost any of his beloved ones yet.
"No, nothing I can think of. Honey?" Mr DiLaurentis said turning to his wife.
"No, Aria?"
"Yes, maybe in Ravenswood, I know that she was meeting someone there, I can't remember his name but he brought us back from vacation.... Or maybe Cece?"
"A guy who brought you back from vacation?"
"Yes, with his plane."
"Shouldn't be to hard to find out who brought you back, there's not so many men who own a plane. And who is Cece?"
"A friend of ours, I can call her." Aria offered.
"Yes, please, that would be fine."

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