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Just when she wanted to leave this occasion she heard the familiar voice of...
Did he follow her? Because he sure did appear everywhere she went. But Aria had to admit that she did not dislike it quite the opposite was the case.
"Well, if it isn't the beautiful mystery lady from yesterday on the streets and today in the café that refuses to tell me her name."
"And if that isn't the weird guy that seems to follow me everywhere I go." Aria shot back.
"No offence but I was here before you so shouldn't it be where you follow me around?" He grinned. It was a boyish grin she had recognised earlier before. It was kind of like his signature smile.
She was about to answer something but was interrupted by a bell.
"The play is going to start" Ezra stated and then asked, "What is your seat number?"
She was a little confused but said that she still had to get her ticket and he smiled and said that he would wait but Aria shushed him and sent him in. Then she went to the men with the tickets "Are you on the guest list? If so, whoms ticket do you want to get?" He asked firmly.
"Yeah, I am. DiLaurentis, please."

She looked at her ticket and then went to find seat number B26. When she got there she seated herself and made herself comfortable. The guy on her right turned his head towards her since he had a proper conversation before.
First thing she noticed about him was the boyish grin and second thing his eyes. That was all she needed to know about the person next to her to confirm that it was Ezra.
"Ah, hi again! Seems like we're supposed to stick together these days." He said jokingly. It seemed as if he wanted to say another thing but the lights turned out and the play began. During the play, it was Romeo and Juliet, both Aria and Ezra helt hands unconsciously. That was until the lights turned on for the break and only a second later Mrs Hudson stood in front  of them.
"Aww, I didn't know that you guys were a couple! You look very sweet together. How long have you been together? Oh no, let me guess, a half year! And you kept it a secret because you wanted to have your privacy! Oh Ezra, does your mother approve?" She rambled and then without giving them a chance to answer she disappeared again.

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