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When she got to Times Square she still hadn't had any idea of how she could find Ali.
Then another flashback hit her...


"Aria, can you hand me that red dress of mine on the bed?" Ali had yelled through the bathroom door.
"Sure... Wow, this is fancy, where are you going?"
"To the theatre."
"In Rosewood? I thought you didn't like that?"
"No, not in Rosewood, in New York."
"So, who's taking you?"
"A guy, you don't know him I suppose.."
"But how am I supposed to know what guy you're dating, if I don't know his name?"
"Okay, first, I'm not dating him, he's just a friend. Second I'll give you two hints, he likes reading and drinks a special sort of beer."
"Okay, we'll see if I can find out."

end of flashback

Okay, that meant that there was some mysterious guy, who might as well be -A.
She decided to fond out more about the mystery guy. So the only clue she so far had of that guy was a theatre in New York. Great that meant she had to visit all the grand theatres to find the one Ali went to.
Good thing there was this invention called the internet and another invention called internet cafés. Therefore Aria looked around and at the far end on her left she could see something that looked like an internet café.

When she entered the café she went straight to one of the computers in the back, pulled out a few coins and gave them to the cashier who had come to the computer. Not so long afterwards she was seated on the uncomfortable chair and scrolling through the websites. She already had a list of theatres she wanted to go to. Her first would be Broadway Theatre, then Aristoteles Theatre would be next and last but not least the Fitzgerald Theatre.
She was about to get more theatres but then the cashier guy came back and said "Time's up!!"
He harshly grabbed her arm and walked her to the door.

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