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She got out of Cece's car in Ravenswood and walked around, she had absolutely no idea where to go and she was about to just check into a small motel for the night when she heard her fake name being called.
"Lucy? Lucy Darkbloom?"
She turned around and cocked one of her eyebrows up.
"Hey, it's me Duncan
You don't remember me, do you? I'm the guy that flew you and Vivian back from your holidays..."
Then it finally clicked and Aria started to smile, a fake smile though.
"Yes, I do now, sorry but it's just a lot been going on..."
"Yeah, how is Vivian and did you hear about that girl that disappeared in Rosewood?"
"Viv is fine and yes, i heard, terrible isn't it?" She pulled up an act.
"Actually, do you know a way to get to New York with the least cost?"
"Sure! I was going to fly around tonight anyway, I can bring you there if you want" he offered.
"You would do that?"
" 'Course I would, come on follow me."

Later on in the airplane...

"So last time you weren't exactly the one who talked much... But if I am right you and Vivian are sisters?"
"Twins actually" Aria couldn't help herself and corrected him.
"Oh, well you don't really look alike though!"
"The outward appearance doesn't matter, we behave alike and have the same interests, except for guys how it seems..."
"Oh, really? And... Uhm... Does she.... Does she like me?"
"I do not know if she likes you but I can tell that you are her type..." Aria said kind of lying. She wasn't exactly sure if Alison even had a type. Usually she would just watch her sister and see which guy was acting weird around her, well actually weirder than weird. But whatever?!
They came to a stop on one of the big rooftops in the middle of the city and Aria got out and thanked him.

Then she got downstairs on the sidewalk and accidentally bumped into a guy.
"Oh, sorry!"
"It's okay. Do I know you?"
"I don't think so?"
"Yes, I think I do, didn't you bump into me in Hollis College? Right in front of professor Montgomery's office?"
"Oh, yes, that was you?"
"Yes, what were you even doing there? You seem to be a little to young to be in college."
"Yeah, well, my dad asked me if I could pick up some important documents from my uncle."
"And what are you doing here?"
"I'm just being here. Do you have a problem with it?"
"No, just asking!" He held his hands up in defence. That was when it occurred to Aria, that she didn't even know his name.
"Hey, what's your name?"
"Ezra, Ezra Fitz."
"And yours, Miss?"

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