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Aria took a bite of her food and then lifted the cup of coffee to her mouth, but before she could drink a familiar voice let her freeze.
"One Latte, please."
Though Aria knew that voice she couldn't quite place it. But she would not turn around that was for sure 'cause if that was someone from Rosewood they'd bring her back and Rosewood was the last place Aria wanted to be at without Ali. Too many memories gathered around there.
Then a person took a seat across from hers in one of the big comfy armchairs. But Aria kept her head down.
"Hey, can you hand me a napkin?" The person asked her and now there was no way she could keep her head down anymore.
"Yeah, sure, here you go!" She handed him the box that was on her side of the table which was right in front of her, then when she gave it to him she risked a quick glance and immediately regretted it.
"Hey aren't you the girl from yesterday evening in the streets?" Then after a few seconds of silence he spoke up again "wait, that came off the wrong way, you're the girl from yesterday evening that looked kinda lost on this big street. By the way you still didn't tell me your name!"
"Oh I know." Aria smiles and then took a bite from her sandwich.
"You're not actually from here, are you?" The guy asked.
"No, I'm not..." She hesitated at the end, not sure if she remembered his name right.
"My name's Ezra, by the way. I'm not sure if I told you yesterday, so..."
"Nice to meet you Ezra."
He was hoping she'd finally tell him her name but she didn't.
"So what are you up to today?" He asked to keep the conversation going.
"Nothing really.... I think I'm gonna search for..." Yeah what was she gonna search for? A hotel? A shop? A person? Well it seemed ridiculous that she had no clue what to search for. Except Ali of course.
Then her phone beeped. Aria grabbed it quickly and looked at it. Another message from -A.
'Tell anyone and Ali will face the consequences -A'
"I think I'm gonna go now, my mom wants me home asap and I have one hell of a long drive ahead of me."
It was a lie and normally Aria wouldn't mind lying especially to strangers but somehow it didn't feel right to lie to Ezra. She immediately felt bad but she couldn't risk -A hurting Ali.

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