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Ezra and Aria entered the grand hall alongside everybody else. They had their hands still interwind and walked a little farther into the room where they stopped and Ezra exclaimed that he would go and get something to drink.

Just a second after he was gone Aria felt lonely since his warm hand was missing in hers and also the secure feeling had faded away. She was lost in her thoughts about Ezra when a sudden noise pulled her out of them. It turned out that this noise was a voice, a familiar voice. Devastated that it wasn't Ezra's voice that was talking to her she turned her head to see who it was.
She came face to face with her uncle's coworker and his wife.
"Aria, is that you?" The woman asked and Aria nodded slightly in confirmation.
"You and Alison are all over the papers back in Rosewood! Why did you run away? Your parents and your brother are so worried about you!"
"Yes, but I can't go back there, I just can't!"
And Aria knew that she might have seemed a little harsh but it was the truth, Rosewood was not Rosewood without Ali there.
Then Mrs Hudson, the theatre owner, came and greeted them.
"Aria, you and that boyfriend of yours look really sweet together! How did you meet?"
Aria sighed. Why was that woman so eager about her and Ezra dating? Heck, why did she think they were dating in the first place?
Giving up she just answered the question.
"We bumped into each other in the streets."
"Like when and where?"
"Umm, actually it's not that long ago, when a friend of mine brought me here with his plane I uhmm... was kind of lost and was looking at the street signs at Times Square and I bumped into him, so yeah...."
"Well that is something different and refreshing for once!!"
"Well who is your boyfriend, if you don't mind Aria?"
"You wouldn't know him..."
"Oh, hello, how are you?" Another man and his wife came and greeted them.
That was Aria's chance to disappear and she surely took it.
Aria saw Ezra and went to him and grabbed her drink from him.
"Thanks" she said sweetly and Ezra replied by shooting her his signature smile that she adored so much.
Then the bell rang again and everybody went back to their seats and continued to watch the play.

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