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When Aria got out of the cafe she made her way to Times Square hoping that she would come to find a clue to who this -A-Person might be in her mind.
Actually walking was one way of her to remember something that she had learned or noticed before but didn't consider to be important. In this case it might make sense.
Okay, so she knew that Ali had gotten texts from this person called -A.
She knew that she had gotten these -A-messages herself after Ali had disappeared.
She knew that -A had threatened Ali.
So she assumed that this person she was looking for was someone who knew Ali or at least thought to know her. So there goes the list of suspects...
Duncan would be a possible suspect as Ali had lied to him, then again he already didn't know who Ali was for real which made it kind of impossible that he was -A except the suggestion that he found out about their real identities.
Jenna, the blind girl, because she lost her sight through an accident. Ali had thrown a firecracker into the Cavanaugh's garage but didn't know that someone was in there. Turned out it was Jenna inside. Then the garage was on fire and that was how Jenna would want revenge.
Toby would also be a possibility since he was Jenna's stepbrother and blamed to have set the garage on fire. But he was sent to Juvie-camp...
Then there would be Mona, or as Ali liked to call her, looser-Mona. She had tried to connect with their group ever since kindergarten but Ali hadn't accepted her. And Aria had to say, Mona was kind of weird.... And maybe if she hadn't tried that hard she would've become part of the group...
Also there would be Lucas, also known as hermie. Though Aria didn't quite understand why he was called that. Sure he was weird and gross but that wouldn't be a motive, right?
And then Paige came to her mind. Paige liked to handle thinks on her own and was kind of brutally at times, but Ali had called her pig face because she had zits all over her face for quite some time.
But if Aria thought this was gonna be easy she had underestimated Ali's ability to make enemies. Because surely half of Rosewood wanted her gone.

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