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"I don't think that is important." Aria answered and turned on her heels, reaching for her phone but soon remembering that she dumped it in a trash can back in Rosewood. Sighing she went on trying to find a place for the night. That's when it started raining.

An hour later she was standing in the shower cleaning herself and slowly warming up. The hot water ran down her body but she couldn't relax, the fear for her missing sister tensed her up.
Aria decided that there was no use in staying in the shower, so she turned it off and got out, the towel wrapped around her neat figure. She dressed herself in underwear, a bra and a pyjama and got into bed. Though she felt exhausted and the fear was eating her alive Aria couldn't help but think about that cute guy she ran in, what was his name again? Elliot? No, Ezra! Sounded like a girls name. She thought of him, smiling to herself as she slowly drifted off to sleep dreaming about Ezra and her having a picnic in the woods of Rosewood at the kissing rock.

"Open your mouth" she heard him say with his soft voice. Aria did as he had told her and soon she tasted the sweet but still little sour taste of a strawberry.
"I love you Ezra, you know that?" She asked him while snuggling up to him.
"I sure do, and you know I love you too, right?"
She laughed "of course I do."
"I'm so lucky to have you!"
"And I'm so lucky to have you."
Then they kissed.

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