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Very well, why did she say yes to come and see the play again? Now she had to go dress shopping. Normally she would love doing that, but normally she would have one of the girls with her. But that might never happen again, Ali was gone, she just vanished, and the rest of the girls were still in Rosewood and Aria wouldn't go back there unless it would help her to find Ali.
She wandered through the streets, then suddenly she felt someone watching her. Through the shop window she was able to see the face and secretly snapped a picture. The person didn't notice that she was discovered. And to let her stay in that believe Aria went on dress shopping. At the end she had a salmon coloured dress with a black belt around her waist emphasising her neat figure.
Since it was already past six Aria hurried to get back to her hotel and showered. When she got into a cab outside the hotel it was already half past seven. But thanks to the knowledge of the New York streets of the driver she made it to the theatre within twenty minutes.

Inside was it very crowded with loads of men and women that were talking amongst each other. There were men to take the few jackets they wore and staff walking around with champagne.
A few of the snobbish looking people looked her way when she entered the doors. But soon after she didn't know where to go anymore she took a step to her right and then turned on her heels. Just when she wanted to leave this occasion she heard the familiar voice of...

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