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"Hey Cece, it's me Aria"
"Hey Aria, what can I do for you?" A yawn escaped Cece's mouth.
"Please tell me Ali's with you!"
"Uhhm, sorry to disappoint you, but she's not here. Anyways what would she do with me at this time of a day? Have you taken a look on the time? It's half past five in the morning, no actually scratch that, in the night!"
Aria broke down crying "Ali's gone, we woke up and she was nowhere around and then we heard her scream and then ..." Her voice broke and she couldn't calm at all.
Cece on the other end of the phone went silent the only thing to be heard was her sucking in her breath sharply.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. If there's anything I can do for you, just tell me."
"Uhu, yes, will do. I got to go."
"Okay, bye Aria."

"So? Is she there?" The officer asked.
Aria just shook her head devastated.
Her sister was gone....


A month later there were still no signs of Alison and the police stopped searching for her, it was a cold case.
Aria had stayed at home for the whole week, not even bothering to come out of hers and Ali's room, as they never wanted to have separate rooms. She had locked herself inside and when her parents had told her the news about Ali's case she made a decision. She, Aria DiLaurentis, was gonna find her twin sister, no matter what! For that she got one of her false passports, the one Ali had too, they had a false last names too, their aunt's, uncle's and cousin's last name was Montgomery and that was exactly the name they were using, but she knew that Ali had a second false passport because she had one too, Ali's name was Vivian Darkbloom, hers was Lucy Darkbloom.
In the passport Ali had black-brown hair. She used it to trick some guys and well Aria was certainly sure that Alison hid something big from her, not just a romance. Also Aria knew that Ali introduced herself to that plane-guy, what she called him since she didn't remember his name, as Vivian.
She took a backpack and threw in some clothes and the money her and Ali had been saving up secretly, then she took her bank card, a photo of her and Ali, and jumped out their window. She pulled her hood up and ran to the next cash machine and got all the money she had. Next thing to go was getting a ride to Ravenswood. She called Cece who thankfully picked up.

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