Plan B (Edited)

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(The Salvatore Boarding House)

Bella's POV.

After a few seconds of waking up, I realised that I've developed feelings for someone I hated almost 24 hours ago. But did I really hate him? Or was I just telling myself that to try and hide my feelings. But I'm worried encase he only slept with me because I look like Katherine.

"What are you thinking about?" Damon asks me as he wraps his arms around my bare waist and pulls me into his warm chest. He starts nuzzling his head into my neck, and begins to trail kisses down it.

"What about Katherine?" I ask him, but he keeps kissing my neck.

"What about her?" He asks between kisses.

"Are you still in love with her?" I ask him, and he suddenly stops. He turns me over so I'm on my back he's on top of me.

"She doesn't mean anything to me anymore, I want you, not her. Let me prove it." He tells me, and starts to trail kisses down my neck to my chest, but I flinch when I hear the doorbell. He comes back up to my face pouting "We could just ignore it?" He Whispers in my ear.

"No, it could be important." I giggle a little "Prove it to me when you come back up, I'll be in the shower." I tell him, wriggling away from beneath him and entering the his bathroom.

I look into the mirror and I can see a big bruise on my stomach, with redness where the bullet was. I put a little pressure on it, and it hurts like a B****. Thankfully the one on my leg has faded away so if I wear shorts you can't see a mark.

I take my undergarments off and head straight into the shower, and turn the hot water on so I could feel heat run down my body quickly, it feels so much better than getting shot several time's with wooden bullets by your best friends mom..

When I'm finished I wrap a towel around me which stops at the thigh, I realise that I don't have any clothes because Damon ripped them off of me last night, so I decided to go to Stefan's room. Elena must have some clothes here from when she stayed here over night with him.

I finally find a pair of ripped denim shorts, a white tank top and Black knee high boots with a peach/ rose coloured leather jacket. After I finished getting dressed I make my way down stairs to find Damon. When I reach the bottom of the stairs, I see Damon, Alaric and Jeremy in the library.

"What's going on?" I ask them, and they all turn their gaze to me.

"Why's your hair wet?" Jeremy asks me.

"I decided to take a shower, what's all this?" I ask them, but Damon ignores me and keeps going through a box and takes out a book.

"This is Isobel research's from Duke. Her assistant sent it to me." Ric tells me, and takes the book from Damon's hands "Her name was Vanessa. Now, do you remember the old Aztec curse she told us about?" Ric asks Damon.

"Sun and the moon, blah blah blah blah blah" Damon says, what curse?

"An Aztec curse? Cool." Jeremy says.

"Yeah, supposedly vampires and werewolves used to roam freely until a shaman put a curse on them to limit their power. Since then, werewolves can only turn on a full moon and vampires are weakened by the sun." Ric explains to us, and Damon wriggles his fingers showing his daylight ring.

"Most of them, anyway." Damon says with a smirk.

"According to the legend, the werewolf part of the curse is sealed with the moonstone." Ric explains more and he hands me the map so I can look at it.

"So, this moon stone could stop me from changing every full moon?" I question him.

"It's probability." Ric says to me, and I look back at the map and start smiling.

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