Know Thy Enemy

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(The Gilbert Residence)

Bella's POV.

After I get ready, I start to sleep, but I'm interrupted by someone slamming a door so I go and investigate. I look outside my bedroom door and I see Elena knocking on Jenna's bedroom door.

"Elena? What are you doing?" I ask her and she slowly makes her way towards me.

"Isobel showed up at the front door, and told Jenna she's our birth mother" She tells me, and I just look at her confused. What is she doing back? She said she would leave and never return.

"Well, I'll phone Ric and tell him to come over and talk to her in the morning. She can't stay mad at us forever" I tell her with a small smile, and she nods in agreement.

The next day, me and Elena are waiting downstairs for Ric to come over as Jenna still hasn't came out of her room yet. Finally the doorbell rings so I go and answer it with Elena following behind me, I open the door and I immediately let Ric into the house.

"Hey. Is she up yet?"Ric asks as I close the front door.

"She won't come out of her room" I tell him sadly.

"What'd you tell her?" He asks both of us.

"Nothing. She won't talk to us" Elena tells him.

"We're gonna have to fix this" He tells us with a sigh, as Jenna comes down the stairs.

"Hey" I say to her, but she ignores me.

"Jenna" Ric says as he tries to get on her good side, even though he broke up with her.

"I don't want you here, Ric. You need to go" Jenna tells him harshly.

"Okay, listen. I can't begin to imagine what you must be feeling right now" He says to her softly.

"Rage and betrayal would pretty much cover it" She tells him as she puts her jacket on and takes her bag.

"Where are you going?" Elena asks her confused.

"I'm going to stay on campus. I have a thesis to write, and I don't want to be in this house" Jenna tells us bluntly.

"Jenna, please just stop. Let us explain to you exactly what is going on" Ric protest's, but she ignores him.

"Elena, Bella, I need one of you to go to the Lockwood's today and accept the Historical Society's check for your mom's foundation" She tells us.

"Okay, but, Jenna, please just..." Elena tries to say, but Jenna cuts her off.

"I don't have it in me to hear any more lies from either you" She tells us before leaving and slamming the door behind her. I then turn around and see John ascending from the kitchen.

"Let her go. It's better that she's not here, what with everything that's going on but maybe had you been a little more honest with her from the beginning, this..." John tries to say but Ric punches him in the face, go Ric.

"Sorry, Bella, Elena" Ric say before leaving out the front door, and me and Elena turn back to John and I can't help but smile as I try to keep my laughter hidden.

"You know this is your fault, right?" I tell him as I try to keep a straight face.

"Right" John says before me and Elena head upstairs.

After me and Elena go up stairs to her room, Elena calls Stefan to come over so we can talk. When he arrives, he tells us about how Caroline accidentally revealed that she is a vampire to Matt.

"Ah, this is bad. Between Isobel and Jenna and now Matt, this is disaster bad" Elena sighs, as Stefan rubs her arm for comfort.

"Yeah" Stefan agrees, as John walks in.

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