The House Guest

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(Mystic Falls High School)

Bella's POV.

Me and Caroline are walking through the school corridors as she tells me about her and Matt's relationship, which even though is really new, it's getting really old.

"... But overall I don't know when to tell him" She says to me as I see Matt sticking up posters.

"Well, here's your chance" I tell her as I push her towards him and walk off to find anyone else.

I finally find Bonnie, Stefan and Jeremy talking so I walk up to them, and Stefan is explaining to us about how katherine is out of the tomb.

"She's out of the tomb?" Bonnie asks him in a shocked tone.

"Yeah. We're dealing with it, all right? Just be extra careful. She's gotten a little too good at impersonating Elena and Bella" He tells us, wait, when did she pretend to be me.

"With Katherine still around, we gotta find a way to get your powers back" Jeremy tells Bonnie, when did they get so close? Are they two?.. OMG, they totally are.

"Listen, I want to get the Martins on our side. I want to figure out a way for us all to work together now that Elijah's out of the picture" Stefan tells us, but I look at him in disbelief.

"It's impossible. They hate us" I tell him in full honesty.

"It's either win them over or somebody's going to end up dead. Bonnie, you think you can at least convince them to have a civil conversation?" Stefan asks her with pleading eye's.

"I'll try" Bonnie says with not much confidence that she'll be able to help.

"Thanks. Keep me posted" Stefan says to her before leaving.

"Yeah, I gotta go find Elena. Catch you two lovebirds later" I tell them as I walk away in a fast pace so they and stop and question me.

I finally find Elena and Ric in a classroom talking to each other, so I go in. Ric starts to tell us about how John is slipping in details to aunt Jenna about the supernatural and Isobel.

"It was bad. You know, John planted all these seeds about Isobel and now Jenna knows I'm lying about something" Ric confesses sadly, he really does love aunt Jenna.

"John's going to end up dead on the kitchen floor if he's not careful" I tell him though gritted teeth.

"Yeah, well, easier said than done. I gave him back his ring so...Look, Jenna keeps asking about Isobel. You know, was she murdered? Why haven't they found the body? I mean, how much longer can she stay in the dark?" He asks us, but I don't want Jenna getting involved into all this.

"You think we should tell her the truth?" Elena asks us, and I shrug my shoulders at her.

'I'm saying I can't be with her and not tell her. It's not fair to her, and it's not the kind of relationship I want" Ric tells us, as he scratches the back of his head.

"Not to mention it's becoming more dangerous for her not to know. I just thought that we'd at least hold off until after we've dealt with Klaus. You know, and even then, how do we tell someone what we know? How does someone hear that?" I ask them both.

"Look, I'm sorry to put this on you two. But I feel it's your decision to make. And whatever you guys decide to do, I'll respect it. I want to be honest with her. But until then, Jenna and I are done" He tells us with a serious face, but I know he is hiding how much it really hurts him to say that.

(Skip to the Gilbert Residence)

After school me, Elena, Caroline and Bonnie decided that we should all have a girls night together. And right now we are all in the kitchen setting it up.

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