The Descent

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(The Salvatore Boarding House)

Bella's POV.

As I woke up, I felt so relieved that I didn't have to do this every night. Although I still wasn't happy about changing every full moon, but atleast I can sleep in an actual bed tonight.

I looked around the cell amd picked up a blanket and wrapped it around my self. I then looked over to the door and tried to open it, but then I remembered I locked my self in.

"Damon!" I shout through out the basement, and Damon shows up immediately.

"Sorry about that, Something's happened with Rose" He tells me with a sad look on his face.

"What's happened?" I ask him as I furrow my eyebrows at him.

"The woman from yesterday, Jule's... She bit Rose" He tells me sadly, why would Jule's do this? She seemed so kind to me yesterday.

"Is she alright?" I ask him worried, I might not be Rose's biggest fan but she doesn't deserve to die.

"A werewolf bite is fatal to vampire, I don't think she's going to make it over night" He tells me with his head down, but it immediately shoots straight back up "What happened to you yesterday? At the grill you and Jule's went for a walk and then you never came back" He asks me.

"I was with Elijah, he offered me and Elena a deal. If we live our lives as normal he said that he would protect our friends and family, and when Klaus comes to find us he would kill him" I tell him, but he has a look of disbelief on his face.

"And you believe him?" He asks me like I'm crazy.

"Well, yeah. He's friends with witches who are going to protect us, they've also lifted the spell that Bonnie did" I tell him as a smile appears on my face, but not on his.

"How do you know that we can trust him?" He asks me as we finally attempt to leave the basement.

"I don't, but if the spell is broken then we'll find out tonight" I tell him with a small smile "Where's Rose?" I ask him as he shuts the basement door.

"She's in the parlour, come on" He tells me as we walk into the parlour room. I look over to the couch and see Rose dinking a glass of blood as she sweats constantly.

"Let's have a look, come on. Let me see" Damon says to her as he approaches her, but I keep my distance as I don't think she wants to be near a werewolf right now.

He has a look at the bite mark and I can see from here that it's really bad, and it looks like it's spreading down her back.

"How is it?" She asks him.

"Definitely...better. Right, Bella?" Damon asks me, and Rose turns to face me.

"Um, it's not bad" I tell her with a fake smile, but I think she can see straight through it "Where's Stefan?" I ask trying to change the conversation.

"He left, he's going to try and find Isobel because Katherine said she might have some information on Elijah and how to kill his brother Klaus" He tells me, and I just suddenly become angry when I hear the name Isobel and Katherine in the same sentence.

"We got rid of Isobel once and she said she would never come back, and I'm pretty sure when Elijah said "live your lives and do nothing" it meant don't go digging in his past and trying to kill Klaus" I say to him, but I can see in his eye's that he doesn't care if I protest.

"No, can do. I'm with Stefan on this one but if you could play nurse for a while that would be great" He tells me, and I just look at him as if to say 'are you serious'.

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